Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A New Year, a New Beginning...

Hey chulos! Life has been making it very difficult to blog regularly. So here is New Years update for yas. A lot has happened since I last blogged about my wretched attempt to fit a square peg into a round hole. Man I must have desparate. He wasn't even that hot... shallow I know, but it's like why did I try so hard. So of course after a month of "men suck" and "how could I be so stupid"... without even trying someone found me. Totally unexpected. I mean we just clicked. Round peg, round hole. We have seen each other quite a bit over the past few weeks and it has all been effortless. it just works. Wow... now this I can see going somewhere. Hell he is even turned on by my intellect. He is very outside my box... but even Seamus thinks we match very well. Seamus is very protective of me so for him to think someone is good for me is huge. New Years Eve was fun. Went to a bear event in connecticut. The event was fun. The after party was better. Consisted of me and our host drinking vodka cran all night long. I miss my Jeremy terribly, work has me ll kinds of busy so i can barely even play wow. I have to eek out some time so Jeremy can meet my new beau Jason. Later Chulos! D

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