Friday, February 1, 2008

I am back...

Ok.. after a very short hiatus I am back. I have calmed down and am focused once again. I have decided to not say what brought on the hiatus, the past is the past and it will just have to stay that way.

I also came back to say... I have met someone. His name is David. Big ol' Geek Bear, god I love it. He looks good in my Rangers jersey no less. He made it past date 3 and I think we will have a lot of fun together. There is a lot of potential in this. He is even my own age. Can you believe it!?! I barely can.

We are going to take it slow. We have established that we really do enjoy each others company so far. So I am thinking why not.. we can give it a shot. But slowly. I have NEVER felt this comfortable this quickly with anyone. Not even with Mike. I feel safe in David's arms. I am usually the one making someone else feel safe, so this is a nice change of pace. I have rediscovered my overly affectionate and nurturing side. He loves getting affection and giving affection. I have been starved of both. I don't feel self conscious about my body around him, I don't feel insecure, I don't feel that I am not good enough. He is a programmer that can teach me a thing or two and is a full time Linux user. God that makes me salivate. I won't need to teach him anything about UNIX/Linux, if anything he'll be teaching me. We have a great balance and compliment in terms of our technological know how and leanings. I am a video person. Very visual, very graphic design oriented... he is an audio person. You have got to see the boxes he built.

I think lightning struck twice for me and I am in post orgasmic bliss. Wish me luck sweethearts!



jered74 said...


Daemian said...

I have deleted DTOX comments. Not only were they inappropriate, but he is... nevermind, no need to say. Private information about him on my blog? No last name posted, Davids are a dime a dozen, no social security number, no address, no phone number.

A link to the pictures of the box he built that I thought was a damn cool box. I am thinking that maybe he is not even 'out' to his friends. It's the only reason to get all nutty about a blog post.

I blog, I said so... I even made note to say I blog about my life.