Thursday, March 27, 2008

Job with Apple...

Well... the phone interview went very well. I answered all of the test questions correctly. I gave a good history in terms of my experience over the past ten years in tech support, hardware repair and software troubleshooting. My experience in 'Creative' seems to have grabbed the recruiters attention. I would not be shocked if he attempted to get me moved into Apple Creative relatively quickly.

So I made it past this step and now it's on to the next. Sometime next week I have to meet with the recruiter of the Cambridge store. The recruiter will give me that basic run down of the 'culture' of the store. Upon a successful meeting with the recruiter I move on to the next and final step. 3 weeks of paid training... in Cupertino, CA! Yes chulos.... Cupertino... at the Apple Headquarters. Oh... my... GGGGGAAAAAWWWWDDDDDD! It's a wet dream come true for a Mac-Phile like me!

Wish me continued luck as I am not in the clear just yet. Of course should something else come up in terms of a job that pays more, well I could only be so lucky!


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