Thursday, December 20, 2007

Just Want to Scream...

It has been a most insane month for me as you can gather. Between the break up, living with my ex and work all I want to do is scream. I mean it is slow here for me for the moment. I have not taken a lunch break in 2 weeks! This is not even my lunch break, this is just 5 minutes of peace. My smoking has come back full force. I am so bad at dealing with my anger in times like these, so I have been smoking like a chimney. How does one expect me to work on 2 different projects at the exact same time without making ANY mistakes? Am I to grow another set of arms?

I have been coming in at an odd hour of rush hour in which the trains decide to slow down and every stop means more and more people. I mean, they want to raise the fare yet again and we are still dealing with the crap they promised to fix after the first are hike. I mean really... makes me just want to scream.

Then I have to deal with the people at work who can't seem to wipe their own asses. I mean... how do they live without their mothers? It's insane. I can't stand when people are shown something or a procedure 10 times and still can't grasp the concept. Even worse is when they refuse to help themselves.

Makes me just want to scream.

Well... that was cathartic. I feel better now.


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