Monday, January 7, 2008

The Barracks...

As promised he is a picture of the new bed. As you can see from the picture the wall is a kind of... ewwwwww... color. Makes me feel like I am laying in the ICU. So that has got to change... I just don't have the head for this type of shit. You would think that with my being a graphic designer and all that coming up with something like creating a bedroom would be easy. Nope... sorry.. I don't have the Martha Stewart gene. I need Queer Eye for the Queer Guy!

I love the way the bed looks tho. Masculine design, with slightly 'non-masculine' curves and the black powder finish with the faux twisted bars makes for a macho feel with a slightly goth .... something. :P Jaeryd picked it out and it had the nerve to be $50 less than my first choice which was waaayyy to femme in hindsight.

I need curtains or blinds, a desk for FrankenMac (poor guy.. in the pic FrankenMac is on the floor with the monitor on the boxes I hadn't unpacked) a bookshelf or some sort of shelving and pictures for my walls. Maybe the do it yourself picture frames with some of my artwork in it. I don't know what style I should go for. Truth be told I am very 'spartan'. I don't need much I don't spend lavishly on furnishings etc. You could almost just put me in a white room with the bare minimum to make life easier and I am good. So we shall see how my newly found decor professionals handle my spartan personality and style and meld it with that 'gay flare' I need so badly.

- Daemian


jered74 said...

I'm glad you like the bed! Much better that it would be to read "now I'm stuck with this crap Jaeryd picked out"!

Patience, Grasshopper, your decor helpers will get you there in time!

Daemian said...

Lol.. Arigato Jaeryd-san!

I am totally trying to be patient... but my ass keeps falling asleep while I use the computer. Not to mention the backs of my legs are getting weird feeling. LOL.

I was on earlier trying to find a good night stand and I think I did. I will email you the pics and tell me what you think.nvlfhhzh