Thursday, January 10, 2008

Oh My God...

OMG, omg, omg, omg, omg.... C called at like 5:30pm yesterday. I was taking an unforeseen nap. Sorta tired myself out, after a month of being a bad gymbear it was a tad bit of a shock to the system to work out the way I had. So any how, C called and we had a great conversation. He was sort of self conscious about his nose (infection that is healing) so he didn't really want to come out. Understandable... I can be the same way. But at least he did call.

We cleared the air between the two of us. There has been so much hype around he and I that sort of got out of hand. Mind you we have not done anything with each other. So I had to make it clear that I was not asking for his hand in marriage. That all I wanted was a proper quiet date. You know... dinner and a movie. Neither of us are looking to rush into anything. We did have a fun conversation after that was out of the way. I hope we can do something on his next day off.

In terms of how am I feeling... I feel strangely good. I mean, I am slowly getting poorer... but I have survived worse. I figured that if I can pull 4 shifts a week, by the end of the month every month I will have made enough to pay my rent, buy food etc... and let any funds I get from sales accumulate. Speaking of sales, Our internet access has been really flaky for some reason. First it was their DNS servers and now it is something else. I don't know if it is the weather or what. But we can't even get a proper IP address assigned. What the hell, from what I have been told they have never had problems like this. I know the net was working at 10:30am for that was the last email I got. After that it seems to have just died. Very frustrating. How am I able to post this you ask? Easy... my laptop has wi-fi and this triple decker has other people in it using wi-fi. So I am basically borrowing a cup of bandwidth. I hope my arrival has not somehow damaged the time space internet continuum in this apartment.


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