Friday, January 18, 2008

First Night as a Completely Free Man!

Warning: The following post is long and very dirty. If you don't like reading about gay sex... sweety come out. Please.

I know the title is a bit misleading. You bitches are thinking, "Hey I thought you was single?", well chulos.. I am single, I was single and I have been single since November. But and yes there is a but... I had someone in mind. A goal for which to focus on. That goal was someone with whom sex would have meaning. So I held off on going home with anyone. But if you read the last post you will have known that my focus pretty much said no. So I have been holding off on doing anything for an entire month in hopes of him. I wanted sex with meaning. But at this point... I just wanted to get laid. I couldn't take it anymore. I needed human contact. Hence the first night completely free of any ties.

I called Jaeryd because I was not only going stir crazy... I was hungry. Eating every other day is so bad for me and my work out. But hey it is lean times. So we go out to this great place where I had a steak burger. Fantastic at medium rare... despite the waitress saying they won't do it. Thanks babe. It was awesome. Jaeryd slipped me a twenty, which I am soo grateful for as I am a broke bitch, and I payed with my card.

We then went to his place where I got to discover Project Runaway. Just let me say this. Why is the cute one always straight? And why is watching Heidi Klum like watching the first AI develop? So damn robotic. The accent is cute tho. I watch I think 4 episodes... feels like 5 ... because Jaeryd records the episodes to DVD. Well I can' wait to watch the other discs. I know, I know chulos when is it going to get good... that part starts...right.... now.

Well I decided to go to Blu tonight after being at Jaeryd's for like 4 hours. It was the Hawaiian party and soooo few people actually showed up. Most of those who did were under the legal age to drink... which means they were too young for me to do anything with. So... a few beers and my hard cock in hand I decided that I was going to end this voluntary drought. I had so many fucking options. It was intense. To these kids I expected to be old... well it seems that as the new bear in town they all wanted a piece. I decided... nuh uh youngens this dick is reserved for someone with at least a few years of adult fucking experience.

Then fate happened. There was an influx of 25+ guys. Not all were thin! YAY! Even Christiano (one of Jaeryds friends) showed up all by his lonesome. To my surprise he even showed interest in me. Funny that. I knew I thought that of the few Brazilians Jaeryd introduced me to, Christiano was the closest to even being my type. I thought for a second... isn't this wrong? Shouldn't I not fuck one of my friends friends into an oblivion? So we flirted, we danced... of course I got stiff as a rock. But wait chulos... it gets better... he then made a big mistake... he grabbed my ass. Those who know me know the sign on my ass says 'Exit Only'. But I didn't hold it against him. He pulled me closer... and I thought... well he is nice enough... he's not a total stranger... this wouldn't be that slutty. Would it? Then fate threw me a curve ball.

This young, 25yo latin boy walks his ass into the fucking club. Now to this point aside from my hardon Christiano had no other sign of anything other than friendship. Then I thought well the 25yo wouldn't be interested in a bear like me. not that he was skinny... but just didn't strike me as one who would be interested in a guy like me. I also began to come to my senses as the blood traveled back to my brain. I can't fuck Christiano. That would just be bad in so many ways. So I decided against it.

Then Adam, not my co-worker but this small and I mean small black guy who came with a str8 friend from work. LOL. He insisted that I come and dance. So of course... feeling self defeated I decided to go an dance. Dancing does something to me. Even if I am just standing at the rail doing my slutty dance. It just makes me feel better. I can be sensuous, seductive, graceful and sexy. So as I lose myself in the dancing I notice the 25yo dancing and watching me. All I could see was him rolling his ass around and doing a damn good job at it. I was getting stiff just watching him. He would peer over his shoulder at me. So much so that I had to figure out if it was really me he was looking at or someone behind me. Well the only thing behind me was the wall. So yeah.. he was looking at me. I then notice he said something to Christiano... and even looked like Christiano a little bit. I could then see they were not speaking English. OMG... I am being hit on by a hot ass dancing Brazilian. I notice he then looks over to me... then both look. Then he walks over to me. He walks over, gets in close then asks if he can kiss me. I nodded my head and the boy went for it. I love kissing, I know for a fact I am a damn good kisser, and this kid did it like a pro. All this did was get me raging stiff. Remember... I am horny as fuck and this hot ass 25yo Brazilian is all over me. He then grabs my cock and says... verbatim... "I have been watching you since you came here 2 weeks ago. I hope you are a top because I have a feeling I would WANT to be with you tonight. Yer a very handsome, cute guy. I loved the beard but this is much cuter (I shaved my face today. Styled dat shit!), I bet it would feel good on my chest.". I shit you not... boy was bold. He asked me if I lived close, I do. He asked if he could give me a ride home... I said yes. At this point I am freaking. So I run to the mens room, grab a couple of packs of condoms and then sprint to the front so I could tell Daneille that I would not be needing a ride home.

We walk to his car... the entire time I am watching his ass. In the car we make small talk. Turns out he is also from New York City. Wow... a frame of reference. We swap maybe 2 fast stories of what we miss and what we don't miss about New York and the subject quickly jumps to my cock. He asks how big is it because when he felt it while kissing me and wondered if he could even take it all. I then say to him, (I don't mind you bitches knowing these details, I'm a single man... no need to dance around it).. so yeah I said to him, don't worry it's only 8.5 inches... 9 if you give good head. Yes bitches I said it. I know I am such a whore. He looks at me as if I just said he won a million fucking dollars. Then a very gaaaayyyy 'ONLY!". I told him he will be fine and put his hand right where I knew he wanted it to be. All of this happens on the very short ride from Blu to my place. And I thank God my roommates are cool with my being gay and wanting to get laid. I just have to not wake them up.

So we get into my place and this guy is quiet as a mouse. Turns out he went to Guilliard for dancing. OMG.. I landed a fucking dancer. We get to my room and I turn on iTunes to play something... appropriate. A little Massive Attack, some Bjork and finish with the Nine Inch Nails concept album. Dramatic and sets a good pace. Trust me. So I turn around and he is already naked in my bed hard as a brick. And he is hard for me. I felt like a hot guy for the first time in a long time. I mean he was 25yo... I never expect guys younger than me or even my age to be into someone like me. But sure enough... there he was. Not even a little drunk... and he was that fuckin hot, just for me. I felt incredible.

I quickly shed my clothes.. even took off my t-shirt. (I have not been comfortable enough with myself to be seen totally nude in 10yrs.) Thats right... something I could never do for Mike I just did. I was completely nude and he looked ravenous. Like I was a prize. I gave him my steely, I am gonna make you hollar look and it just made him squirm in anticipation. I didn't know I could still do that. I come to the side of the bed and he leans his head over the edge. The moment I was close enough he grabbed my member and began going at it like it contained the cure to cancer. Man, than rolling of the tongue thing he does while speaking Portuguese he can not only do while kissing but also while blowing me. He even gagged a little as he attempted the full length. Girls this is better than a Daneille Steele novel. He gets me going something insane. Then I felt something I have never felt before. I felt very aggressive... by my own accord. Not as a command, but as if I was just so damn wound up that I knew I was going to try and break this boy. So while he is blowing me I bend forward and began to go at his own member. This only made him more crazy. I almost came. But muahahahaha.. I did learn a trick or two in ten years... I learned how to do tantric... cum without cumming. So that was my first blown load that didn't go. My problem is I can only do it once in a session. But it makes it last a long fuckin time.

He then takes me out and says the best possible thing he could have said to me. He said, "I wanna ride you!". Yes bitches... he said it. Well I take forever to cum when being ridden... which is why I like it. This boy gets on... slides down slowly and I can see he hurts.. but he doesn't care. He was determined to take me in there... all of me. My heart rate was through the roof at this point. I can feel a thousand negative emotions just drip off of me as I start to sweat. I feel alive. I'm fucking alive! He finally settles on my cock and the look on his face is one of pure ecstacy. I then tighten my perenium making my dick swell. Did he feel it? I do it again... harder this time... yeah he feels it. I hit cloud 9 just knowing I am rocking this kids ass and he is loving it. I then begin to pound from beneath... slowly for about a minute. Following the rythm of the music I give him the 1st level of the Bull Machine. Then song changes and that is my cue. I go from slow.. immediately to a fast hard pump. Yeah this kid is diggin it. We do this throught the entire Massive Attack album. The kid almost cums twice. I had to stop for a minute or two. He of of course did not get off. Then as the Nine Inch Nails album starts he begins to pound himself on me... damn I feel great. He feels great.

Then he says, "Doggies pai." and gets off and bends over. His sweat mixed with mine creates a funk in the room that is electric! This only makes me that much harder... that much more aggressive. I know I need to get off before we break this bed. He hit his head against the metal head bored a few times as I pound and ground and drove in as deep as I could. I tell him I am about to cum as I feverishly pound this poor young guy. He almost cums instantly upon my saying it and lets out a hushed yet very audible scream. I pound for another minute and unload into that condom. A few spasms later and we are laying there. He tells me he had fun. Gets up. Gets dressed and says he has to drive home, but offers to sleep here. I tell him I don't want to freak my roommate out early in the morning when some stranger is exiting the bathroom. He understands and gets dressed. All the while staring at me. I think he likes me a little more than I intended. The fucked up part is that he does go to the club and... well... I work there.

Still... I don't feel empty.. or lonely... or wrong. I feel... I feel... absolutely fabulous! I can't believe I made that kid cum so hard. I can't believe I just slept with someone who is a dancer by training. Flexible. Good hip movement. I feel like a fucking stud. Now to hope that when he tells the same story, it is close to my side.

So here it is 3:14am(thats right... didn't take me long at the club to do this)... I am writing this blog and feeling like I need to sleep and like a million fuckin bucks. Maybe this will set a different tone in my day to day activities. Like maybe start planning my next website as I get closer to finishing Wow... just wow. I had a successful night out as me... not as who I pretend to be. Confidence... check!

Hope you enjoyed my retelling of my night. So glad it happened... I can't make this type of shit up. I need to sleep now.

Later Chulos!



jered74 said...

Oh you KNOW you will have to point out which one it is!!


Daemian said...

LOL... yes yes.. I know big sister. You wont think he is cute tho. Given your tastes. :P