Well, why not at the beginning. So this Sunday I was able, with the help of my friend James, to make my way to Boston. I ended up staying with a friend and having a great time!(Upon some good advice, some things should remain private... from a good friend)
Apple Interview
So Monday morning we wake, shower and headed on our merry way. my friend had given me a ride to Peabody where I was to meet with Stacey, the MA recruiter for Apple. I met with her and the spoken interview went VERY well. I even shared with her how I was able to get FrankenMac back up and running despite it's file system issue, which seemed to impress her a great deal. She gave me the Tech Screening test and I did VERY well with it. Remember this whole thing came about by Apple contacting me, not the other way around. I did so well in fact that she would like to try and place me in the flagship store they are opening in May in Boston.
She has to do a background check on me, which will come up clean and failing the flagship store I will still get my first choice of heading to the Cambridge store. I have the Cambridge meeting on Friday if I don't hear back regarding the flagship. This is all to be a Mac Genius. If things go well I will be heading to Cupertino, CA in the next week or so. Yay! If I get this job... my life as it stands right now changes big time! I mean I can pay my rent, fix my license, get a car, move to my own place. I am looking forward to this. I mean I know I can not count my chickens before they are hatched, but I am keeping positive on this. This job is mine.
A Piece
Well I have been in talks with the President of the Northeast Ursamen about doing the Graphic Design for their events. What I have here is NOTHING BUT A CONCEPT. I like the way it came out. I am sure there are things to tweak and the photos I get will be from the Northeast Ursamen, so this is going to change a lot. But I like it. I hope they do too along with all of you chulos out there.

- Daemian
The evening with PTS sounds wonderful. And grats on the interview.
And, uh, since you know I need to offer a critique, the flyer looks very good, except for those weird red lines poking into his eyes.
Supposed to be red smoke.. maybe I'll just make it gray or or something.. or just remove it.
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