Wednesday, December 10, 2008

WoW and Stardust

Enough about my drama, and drama it is.... back to a better blog.

I recently saw Stardust. For those of you who don't know, of all the modern writers my personal favorite has become Neil Gaiman. A former comic book writer the man has a gift for dialogue, irony, a neat surprise and setting a great stage. I have been reading all of his books and one of the more fun books was Stardust. Well it is no secret that Stardust was made into a movie starring none other than my favorite feline female... Michelle Pfieffer. The movie was amazing and in an almost perfect styling the show was stolen by... you guessed it Robert DeNiro. Playing our most merry of Gay pirates his performance was top notch. Who knew he had it in him.

I have got to get this movie on DVD. It was amazing, fun and classic fantasy.

On to my favorite obsession, WoW. Wrath of the Lich King has dropped and it is absolutely amazing. The graphic enhancements are phenomenal. The story has been advanced with a new game mechanic paving the way for WoWs future. Phasing. The game world will now change with the actions you take. Granted these changes are only viewable by those who have also completed said quest lines, the changes are made none the less. Most notable, from what I hear, is The Battle for Wrathgate. It features a cinematic cut scene, a battle for Undercity that changes the city for a short duration and the eventual outcome that changes the surrounding area of Wrathgate after being incinerated by the Dragons. Fun and genius.

The real draw tho has to be the Death Knight, WoWs first Hero Class. This class is amazing. The playstyle, mechanics and power has me hooked. Here is my Death Knight... lvl 72... Xristian.

- D

Mixed Emotions and Freeing Oneself

So I have just been a big ol' bag of emotions the past few weeks. This has been a VERY hard year and an even more difficult holiday season.

Still getting used to being alone. This shit is much harder than it looked on paper. Basically for the past billion years I have not ever been alone. Went from home to roommates to a husband to roommates. Being on my own has been hard. I have been in such a mad dash to find another boyfriend that I lost track of what it is I should be doing. Seems I bore myself to tears. I was so blinded by this that I entered into a relationship that proved to be more drama than I needed and only left me feeling more lonely. Yeah...

To top it all off this is my first holiday season without my family being within arms reach. Talk about depressing. It's also a season of painful anniversaries. Thanksgiving was when I realized me and my husband had to end, this Thanksgiving made year one of that pain. This entire month of December marks the one year anniversary of living with my ex and dealing with the damage that inflicted. I have been working a shit ton and trying to build lasting friendships. So I have been having a very hard time dealing with my emotions. Dealing with the relationship that is so hot and cold only made things worse. So I am gonna just try and enjoy being alone. Don't know how I am gonna do that.. but I have to give it a shot. Feels like I keep respeccing my life. WoW players will get that one, and my fellow WoW-mates will totally agree that it's my M.O. LOL.

Some days I could cry all day, some days I am content, some days I could beat the crap out of every person I see, some days I just miss my family, some days I miss my Mike, most days I miss Jeremy. Been considering going back on meds as this is feeling a bit more manic than I am used to dealing with. I mean I even got into a fight in which I all but obliterated some asshole. Granted.. he had it coming in calling me a faggot, but I hadn't lost control like that in years.

I then find out one of my old clients and someone I considered a friend died of cancer a few days ago. I guess one really can't just leave it all behind. You can't do it because you leave a mark everywhere you go. I felt selfish, spoke to his wife and she said how he was upset I was no longer in NYC and that he often spoke of me fondly. I felt terrible that I hadn't been in contact with him since my move. I was selfish in just picking up and leaving. So there is also my dealing with those emotions. Who knows tho.. if I can come out of this ok without meds it would make me that much stronger, if I got back on the meds its just me using a crutch. taking the easy way out.

I am very thankful in that I have made 2 VERY good friends. Mike and Seamus. They have been taking good care of me here in Boston, but I often feel like the third wheel. They are married.

I am so confused. If I can make it to January 3rd, the anniversary of my true freedom... perhaps I will be ok.

- D

Monday, November 10, 2008

Second Chances...

So I have decided to give Joey a second chance. Sometimes I wish I had given Michael another shot after the break up, but I didn't. So... in correcting mistakes of the past, I am going to give him another shot.

Allegedly we are "starting over". Just dating, not BFs. I don't know tho. Things are not the same. The past few days all we seem to do is piss each other off. His inability to make solid plans is starting to get to me. I mean, if you say, "I'll come over tomorrow.. " dammit you should be there. Or if I say "Hey you coming over on Thursday? I am off." and all I get is a "maybe", which I am quickly learning to take as a most likely not, I can't help but feel this distance. I seem to be Plan B. It didn't bother me before, but now it seems to.

I dunno, maybe I am being too guarded and overly sensitive. Who knows. We'll see where this goes if it goes anywhere at all.

- D

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Then Suddenly...

The ground falls from beneath me. As quickly as love found me, love has left me. I am not as upset as I should be. In reality, I sort of saw this coming. My new ex simply did not love himself. As admitted, I was too good to be true. I was like something unreal. Something that his subconscious kept trying to wake up from. He was waiting for the ground to fall from beneath him. For the other shoe to drop. I guess it did not bode well for him. He was always worried that I was going to leave him and hurt him.

It would seem that Boston men have a lot of issues. They are treated so poorly by their own that when one comes along that treats them well, it is unbelievable. Part of my own emotional baggage is to fix mistakes of the past. As seen in my staunch disapproval of domestic violence. I grew up with domestic violence and vowed to never let that cycle continue. So no matter how angry I got.. I may yell, I may argue... but I will never get in my lovers face nor would I ever physically hurt them. Additional baggage would be in that I may not have been the best when it came to how I treated Michael. I treat him like a child. Like someone who needed constant guidance and protection. He is a grown man and needs neither. In realizing this I have decided to treat my lover very well. To instill in myself this will to be a great man for my lover. As it would seem this is too much for those who take their baggage negatively to handle.

I treated Joey too well. As bizarre as it seems, I did. We all idealize this great relationship in which we are treated well and with respect. Is it really what we want tho? Not that treating him well was outside of the "Me". It was not, it was in fact the man I have always wanted to be and found it in myself to become. It was me. But it seems that even trying to show someone that not all gay men are all the same is not something we seem to want. Do men really want to be treated poorly? Because it is more in line to their accepted reality? Have we become so jaded? Do I give up on being a good man and find that side of myself that is, for all intents and purposes, a "manizer"? When I gave up on dating and treated men like garbage I found no end in the supply of guys who wanted to date me.

In all reality it probably would not have worked between me and Joey. I mean.. we are both tops. I bottomed and enjoyed it with him because I opened my heart up to love him. Love him I did. But let us be realistic.... I am a top. Maybe I would have hurt him at some point. Perhaps at some point I would have fucked every bottom that shook his ass like a bitch in heat. Perhaps I would have broken up with him over purely sexual reasons. Who knows. I was willing to try tho. It did feel like we were always hanging over an edge. Me being well grounded holding him, dangling, over the edge... trying my hardest to not let go. He was aware of his predicament. I promised him I would not let go. Not let him fall... but I can not hold on if he let go. Well... he let go. He fell and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

We had a decent 2 months. Everytime we were together it was fantastic. When we weren't together he would go into this tailspin. If I showed even the slightest displeasure or disappointment he would try to "give me an out". He felt he did not deserve me and that I deserved better. I can not fix that. So I am single again. I don't do the whole break up and make up thing. I just don't. Does that mean I won't get back together with him? I don't know. I hope he fixes himself. When he does... I may be here... I may not. Such is life. Funny enough.. I am not as upset as I should be. I am hurt, make no mistake, but I am not a mess. I do think I am done with putting my heart out there to have it shat on. I do think I will go back to just using men for sex and nothing more. It is what it is right?

- D

Monday, November 3, 2008

A Visit to Jersey...

So I am on vacation. Spending some time with my family down in New Jersey. Plan is to see my father today. The man apparently is dying. He has Sorosis of the Liver or something like that. I am just a computer tech, I don't know much about fixing a human. But I will see him today. See how he is doing. I barely know him so I don't rightly know how I feel about this news. Should I feel sad? Angry? Lost? I don't know. I felt all of those things a long time ago in regards to him. Once I gave up on him I had no need for those feelings towards him anymore. He is but a stranger to me.

I have to see my aunt as well. It is a sad thing. Her own children are killing her slowly. Two of them refuse to become adults. They feed off of her daily. contributing nothing, having her care for their children and then have the balls to behave as if the world owes them something. As if my sister and I had some unfair advantage. In a way we did I guess. Discipline. We are by no means perfect children. But we turned out to be children that my mother can be proud of. Children that she does not have to worry about. Children that are not killing her slowly but egging her to live on. She wants to see how far our story can go before she is gone.

I have these horrid mood swings. Recently I have been in my "feeling like a plague" phase. Like everything I have touched in the last 13years of my life have done nothing but turn to shit. Every attempt at good I make, folds in on itself. As if I am cursed to never be able to make my own way. Every effort is faced with serious opposition. As if there is something that wants me to fail, fall or stumble. Like I have no choice but to constantly struggle. There is no rest for the wicked, I guess in my younger days I was rather wicked. Perhaps this is my penance.

I needed this break. If even a small break. I feel like a hero to my family. Like I have actually done well. They make me forget all the bullshit I have become clouded with. They force me to empty my cup. Life, love, money... none of it matters when I am making them laugh or making them remember. None of it matters when I realize that I have not done too badly. That in one years time I have both torn my life down and have almost fully rebuilt it. I am leaps and bounds ahead of where most others would have been in the course of one year. Visiting my family is giving me that reason to do better. To finish this story. To reach my own potential of which I have barely even scratched the surface of.

Someone said to me, "I thought you were different. But yer just like everyone else. I forgot you were just human.". Well... I realize something else. I am different. I am not like everyone else. But I am still, just human. In that, there is something amazing. I have beaten the odds, without a stacked deck. I am different indeed. My family only reflects it.

I may have only been here a day, but I am ready to return to my life. A life that I am finishing the rebuilding of. A life that I can live on my own, with no one. A life that I can share, with anyone. Realizing the ultimate truth. This would be year 4 of my personal discovery, as I have written about before. The closer I get to understanding it the farther away from it I am. Or am I?

- D

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How Daemian Got His Groove Back...

I finally gots me interwebz. Wooha!!!

So I now have a couch, a loveseat and a huge 42" LCD HD TV! Dear lord. My apartment is slowly coming together. I have to start thinking about the walls and actually decorating. Gayness here I come!

It felt good to be back in World of Warcraft. The new patch is fun. It builds so much anticipation for the Wrath of the Lich King.

Next Friday is my Halloween / Housewarming Party. Can't wait, it should be fun. Co-Workers, friends... Homos and Heteros having fun together. What next? Dogs fucking Cats?

I am going to see my family the first week of November for my vacation. I have to make sure I hit NYC to have lunch with Walter, to drop off the keys to the old apartment with Mike and pick up a few things I left behind in the old apartment. At first I was apprehensive about this prospect but at this point I am just fine with it.

My Joey.... I got my groove back. IT is an interesting thing going on. I let my guard down and decided to allow myself to love someone again. I am scared shitless about it. I know that in doing so I have given him the power to hurt me. I don't ever want to get hurt again. But I decided that I want to live life. I can't truly live life if I don't allow myself attachment. I am in love. How do I know? A few key events. I miss him when he is gone, I am genuinely happy when I see him and... drum roll please.... I let him Top me. I enjoyed being topped more emotionally that I did physically. Physically it does nothing for me... but emotionally it felt fantastic. I enjoyed it so much because it was with him. I know that eventually this have to end. Either in death or in break up. Nothing lasts forever. I just hope this doesn't end too soon.

Friday, October 17, 2008


So I don't yet have internet access but here is a small update.

My apartment is empty. I mean fucking empty. It's exhausting living there. LOL. But on the bright side I picked up some speakers for my computer today, gonna get my TV ordered and my internet access order through.

On the relationship front, I have started seeing someone. His name is Joey. He is oh so nice if a bit cunty. I like that tho. We are just in general... nice to each other. I respect him and he respects me. It's interesting how my expectations for a relationship have changed. I know what I had in the past with Mike. I know what we lacked and I now feel like I am deserving of it all. As such I have to give what I expect to receive. I expect respect... I have to give it. I expect loving behavior... I have to give it. He's a cuddler. I never really knew I had that in me... but I do. I love just being held.

I think I am falling for this guy. We have been talking for months now as friends and it seems that is what's working in our favor. As much as I have fought it, out of fear of course... I can't help this. He is breaking down my walls diligently. I don't want to get hurt. It can't be the right time. But no one ever got anywhere being afraid and if we all wait for the right time we may as well be waiting for Godot.

Well that is all for now.

Can't wait to get internets.

Laters chulos.

- D

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

New Apartment!

Well well well... I found myself an apartment! It's a 1 bedroom apartment, so I will finally be living by myself. It's in East Boston and will only cost me $750 a month which is damn good for an apartment in Boston. The bedroom is TINY. I mean I think it will accommodate my bed... and that is it. LOL. The living room is pretty nice and the kitchen is HUGE! Eat in kitchen W00T! I am also on the first floor, which means the backyard is mine! BBQ's and parties baby!

I am intending to move in next week which will be fabulous if I can manage to get some help in the driving portion of it all. Let's hope!

Gotta have my Jaeryd come over and help me ring in the new apartment with booze and crappy movies.

Coming up on one year since me and Mike ended... I don't know how I feel about this quite yet. We shall see how it goes.

Wish me luck chulos!


- D

Monday, September 15, 2008

A Most Stressful and Odd Week...

Talk about an odd and stressful week. I mean I find out last weekend that I have to find a new place to live. Long story. Then I seem to be slowing down at work but maintaining my numbers, for the love of God. Then I meet my Ex's... ex... Yes, you heard me. I had to live with this spectre of my Ex's first love hanging over my head like the sword of Damocles for the past ten years. Hell this has been a weird last 2 weeks really. I mean I had my first 3 way in over a decade, and it was HOT! Now this Ex's ex thing.

Well I think the even weirder part is that I didn't just meet my Ex's ex. I also kissed him. Talk about surreal. In talking to him further I came to realize that to him, Michael was 10 years ago. That those feelings don't exist for him. For me it's only be close to a year. It's still fresh.

We exchanged numbers, shared our similarly twisted and odd sense of humors... I mean... eerie.

So I am back on the hunt for an apartment or roommates. I am on my way now to check something out in Dorchester. I don't really know what else to say. I mean I just can't seem to get it all together in my head to talk about. So I am just giving you guys what has happened.

Oh I left out that there is a guy I like, but I don't date. So its even stranger.


- Daemian

Saturday, August 30, 2008

There Is No Spoon...

I have had an interesting couple of days recently. I don't quite know where to begin as I sit here listening to the islanders have a wild party next door... full on with hootin' and hollarin'.

Perhaps I will start with my trip to Paradise. So last weekend, pay day, I decided I needed to discover a new place to hang out and take in the Gay Boston Nightlife. Of course I Was thoroughly warned by a coworker that it was a "sketchy" place. OMG... porn on the TV's it smelled funny and there were shady characters everywhere. MAD SKETCHY!!

A customer at work, a fellow top, had met me there at Paradise and we hung out a bit. I found out that the downstairs area tries to get you as drunk as possible. I asked for a rum and coke and what I got was a plastic cup that was rum with a hint of coke. 3 of those and I was done. There was a cute guy or two there... but as usual I was ignored. So I sat and watched the game of cat and mouse the boys played with each other that went absolutely nowhere. It was a waste of their time essentially. They'd spot each other from across the room, sweat wold bead up on their brow. They'd look at each other, then look away. One would be appearing to be making a move. I was on the edge of my seat. Is he finally gonna just take the guy, bend him over the bar and fuck him for all of us to see? Is he going to at least buy the guy a drink? He moves closer, they look at each other... hoping and praying to finally say a word. And then... nothing... the guy walks right by him to the bar, buys a drink, they look at each other again and with drink in hand... the guy walks back to the other side of the bar, and continues his creepy staring match. What a let down. Seems boys in Boston need to grow the fuck up and leave this puritan, repressed dharmic bullshit behind.

I stay til closing, chit chatting and continuing my watch of the failed games these boys are playing. The bar closes and I catch a cab. The cab driver then gets lost and given I was rather intoxicated, I didn't have the strength to fight the bill. I get into my room, turn on my computer log into bear411 and manhunt only to find a billion fucking messages. All of which said essentially the same shit. "OMG, where you out at Paradise tonight? You are so hot!"... well given this was the email everyone seems to have copied and pasted from each other to send, I in turn send a cut and paste email. It stated, "Yes I was at PAradise tonight. Next time grow a pair and say something to me... I'm actually pretty easy.".

I mean really.... boys are silly. The fact that I don't want to date only seems to be attracting more of these fools.

I spend the rest of my weekend going out and paying bills etc. This figures in heavily to what happens on Monday.

So... Monday comes around and I was supposed to buy a ticket to get to NYC for a few days. I check my bank account to ensure the checks I wrote cleared, as I got paid the previous Friday. Apparently Bank of America is full of idiots. Essentially... they fucked up the direct deposit somehow. So the money was there and available for the taking... but wasn't technically "take-able". So the checks cleared, the ATM withdrawals cleared (I don't carry cash.. it's a NYC avoid the bums thing) went through just fine. But when I checked my bank account.. 736 dolllars is missing. OVER DRAFTS!!!!!!

Every check that cleared incurred 35 dollars and every single ATM transaction incurred 35 dollars. Well this added up to be quite a bit + the amount of money actually taken out. I wish I could afford to have blown money on whores and booze. I'd at least have herpes to show for it. So I spent all of my Monday cursing out Bank of America and having them admit they made a mistake. I won't see my money for 14 days. I told them I was getting a lawyer and closing my account after I get my money back. This is the last time they screw me. I have 2 dollars in the bank as of right now. This is not the first time it has happened and apparently they screwed up the direct deposit of everyone I work with that has a bank of america account. I am so over this shit.

Of course, the fellow I was supposed to meet in NYC is pissed at me because I couldn't show up and refused to accept his offer to pay.

So Tuesday comes and I meet what I think to be a Kindred Spirit. He is 28yo and also just ended a 10yr relationship. Somehow my Hero Complex kicks in. I know what he is going through, as I was just there not too long ago. I am still healing from it, it would be nice to have a friend I could heal with. He is quite a cute one. We meet up in Back Bay and head over to Lir for a drink. Well we had this weird Raspberry and Pomegranate beer. It was interesting... didn't taste like beer. Then head back to my place. The entire time I am thinking about how cute this guy is. We will call him D. D has the cutest lil belly.. nice fur, baby face, a nice shape to his ass and is also a geek. What a find! Brains actually are a huge turn on. We hop the train to Forest Hills and the hop the bus. Talk about awkward. Trains are one thing but to bring someone you are going to fuck to your place via the bus.... feels sorta cheap. But remember... BoA screwed me and I had no cash for a cab. Anywho.. we get back to my place, sit out on the front porch and he pulls out a phatty. OMG and he smokes pot. Too bad I am not looking to date and he is fresh out of a relationship. Much like myself.. he needs to play the field a bit and not think about dating.

We get stoned and have a few laughs. I inform my roommate that I have a buddy over. We head to my room where we chat and laugh some more. I can't believe I actually dig this guy. If anything I totally want to be his friend. But I have to fuck him first. We lay down and chat some more... he heads to the bathroom and comes back and climbs on me then to my side. He looks at me, tells me he thinks I am cute. He leans in and I can tell he is hesitant, but I come up to kiss him. It is too soon to kiss for him, I can tell. But I am a kisser, its what I do.

I don't know how it happened but we were soon naked. It just happened that way... damn pot, he is suckin on my cock and I am fingering his hole and giving it a good munching. I never really liked doing that, but I know he cleaned out and I just sort of went for it. The more I fingered and licked the more feverishly he sucked. He lets out an "Oh!", this one is a noisy one. I like that. I then climbs to face me, I want to kiss him, but I know he is not there. I plunges himself on my cock and lets out a sigh. He tell me it is deep and begins to bounce up and down on my cock like a boy who knows what he wants and is not afraid to take it. A power bottom I see. He takes my pounding in a myriad of positions. On his back where I use all of my weight to plunge balls deep into him, on his side where I can just pound and pound and watch him bounce around like a rag doll on my cock. BEnt over.. he lays his torso down and keeps his ass high. Fucking this guy is fun. He knows that I won't cum until I am told to and he just keeps on taking it.

I don't know how long we go for, I don't even remember when he told me to cum. I do remember hearing him moan and get loud. Just hearing him almost made me blow my load a few times. I do know he told me to cum and I began to fuck faster and hard.. I explode in the condom and we lay there. He can only say one word for a few minutes... "Amazing"... followed with you can cum on command... amazing. LOL

I am flattered. I slept the sleep of the dead that night. I was hoping to wake up in the middle of the night and play a bit more, but I was in a deep sleep. Tho he could have pretty much raped me in my sleep and I would have been ok with it.

I walk him to the train station the next morning. It's right around the corner from my place. I like D. I like D alot. I want to be his friend. I want to go through this thing with him. I feel that we can help each other grow. I want to be his hero as I am for all of my friends. Friends with benefits is fine with me.

I am meeting him at the Alley tonight. Beers on him. He is totally welcome to crash with me as he WILL miss his train home. I expect to run into a few guys tonight. Who knows.. maybe he'll get lucky... maybe I will...

Wow... another post gone sexy!

I am still not looking to date anyone. Still hoping to find a hottie to fuck on the regular. We shall see how that goes. I have taken to using men and only the good ones will make it to my friends list. Otherwise, fuck em. ;) I am going to stop trying to bend the spoon and instead realize the truth... there is no spoon.

- Daemian

Monday, August 18, 2008

The One With a Soul Suddenly Becomes Soul-less...

I am sorry that it has been a while since I have last posted. Work has been murder. Between that damn new iPhone release and Tax Free Holiday I have been balls deep in tech support.

It is interesting to see how time changes. It is even more interesting to watch time change you and not have the soul to correct a damaged heart. Perhaps I am still heart broken, too heart broken to stop the changes I am witnessing within myself. I must admit that I am becoming jaded. Not bitter... just jaded. Funny enough the more flippant, nonchalant, egotistical, jaded and soul-less I become the more the hot guys seem to want me. And not just want me, but want to date me. I have tried dating and have come to the conclusion that romantic love is a farce. A trick of the mind. A chemical reaction that forces one to give up everything for someone else. To give 110% to someone who may or may not return the favor. I am not mad at life... life has been rather good to me. Lucky in life even. But love is on my shit list. Romantic love. As such I have done to myself what I have sworn I would not do. I am becoming one of those fags that use other men for sex and is more than content to be by himself. I hadn't lost all hope until recently. Perhaps it is the way I have been treated, perhaps it is who I have always been and just chose to not accept it. This isn't a blog post to bitch. It is merely to express my current state of mind.

I have become cold and I am to stubborn, too lazy or too heartbroken to change it.

It really hit me last night. I had this hot guy over... and I mean fucking hot. He was about 5'10, Blond with stunning blue eyes. An ass that was tight yet could be relaxed to keep one pelvis feeling good, ready and able. We had a great night. I mean it was worth every drop of sweat that we let out. In the end I told him I would love to see him again. As I am not looking to be a slut and would like something more steady. He then said, "I would love to, but I am unable to date you." To which my response was, "*laughter* Hon... I don't want to date you. I just want to fuck you.". The look on his face was one of disappointment. As if he was really just playing hard to get and was upset that I was not playing into the game. Perhaps he was just used to every trick he has falling in love with him and I for once did not. Who knows... but what I do know is that in that instant... that moment in time... I had lost my soul.

I woke up this morning rather cold, flippant and arrogant about the day that lay before me. I can almost predict exactly what will come, how I will handle it and that I will do it with style. I guess I have always been self centered, perhaps that is why Mike and I crumbled. Although he had all of me I don't think he truly knew it nor felt it. I don't have to worry about making that mistake again. I know I hurt him more than he hurt me when I broke up with him. I had always threatened it but never did it. When it was real this time I know it crushed him. I did it because of how I felt. It was always about me. Well I do see. I am all about me and I am either too lazy, too stubborn, too arrogant or too heartbroken to change it. I don't need to be fixed.

- D

Monday, July 21, 2008

Perhaps Acceptance...

Been going through some odd feelings lately. I have been coming to grips with the fact that I would have welcomed not being single, I would have gladly taken a new partner, though I was not ready for it. My decision would have been hasty even. I know, I know... didn't Jaeryd try to tell me that? Of course he did. I would have even done well in a relationship being not ready, it's just part of who I am. I am good at the things I do.

But, now... I don't know so much. I am coming to grips with being single. Slowed down the whole being slutty thing has put a lot into perspective. I don't know nor truly understand what it is just yet. But I do know I am enjoying the new found freedom. Don't even know if I particularly want a partner right now. Oh my god... did I really just say that? Perhaps it's just my strangely manic mode? Perhaps acceptance has really set in?

I have gone on a few dates, trying to find that "Mike" replacement, only to find none of us are really replaceable.. Would I really want to "replace" him anyway? Shouldn't I be looking for something or someone different? Well I have pretty much stopped looking, stopped dating, stopped being desperate. Don't get me wrong, I will still look at every hot guy like he was a piece of meat... but hey I don't have to go there in reality ya know. I also know I don't want to relive all of the mistakes I made along the way.

I don't really know what this all means. I don't, I mean this is a first for me in terms of life experiences. So I don't know what to expect or what to do. But I do know this... now that I am not really looking for a relationship.. watch someone tries to toss one on me. LOL. Go fig.

Well, enough of this weird, woke up from a dead sleep with an inkling to blog rambling. Talk to yas later.

- Daemian

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

New Information and a New Home

New Information:

So I work for Apple at the new Boylston Street store. As such I have the opportunity to meet a lot of new people and with that come the opportunity to see a lot of old acquaintances. I run into an old teacher who works at MIT. The teacher recounts how intelligent I was, go figure. He then makes a proposition, he wants me to come by and take an IQ test. Stating he was always curious and has had the chance to work on the creation of a new IQ test. So far his results, according to him, have been shocking and surprisingly accurate. At first I decline, but he is persistent stating his curiosity of my intellect versus my behavior as his motivating factor. The teacher had been one I confided in a while ago regarding my childhood, childhood events etc...

Reluctantly I agreed. So I met with him earlier today, took the test which also consisted of a psychological evaluation. Well I am more than slightly surprised. The teacher did not disclose my psych scores but did reveal my IQ test scores. Genius level IQ begins at 140, I scored 138. I scored 2 points shy of genius. He made me take the test again, of course the questions were different, I was hoping to cheat the test, lol. Nope I couldn't cheat the test... second test I scored 139. He tested me a third time and I again tested 139.

He wants me to come back and work with him on a few things. I don't know what these things are. I told him I would think about it. My work schedule keeps me pretty busy and is mentally exhausting.

I wonder what he found in my psych evaluation and why he would not share them with me.

New Home:

So I have been here for 3 or 4 weeks now. My roommate has been gone for the past week, he had to go to his sisters wedding. This has been an interesting time for me. I have been essentially learning how to live with only myself. I had gone out Saturday and Sunday... shockingly enough I had fun. I don't know how or why. I went out Saturday and saw a few friends there and we hung out, drank and chatted. I even got the phone number of a cute lil fella. Sunday I went out for Karaoke after work and had a ball. I sang 3 songs and got standing ovations from the local bears. I think Karaoke night will be a regular thing for me.

That being said, I find myself missing my weekly dinner with Jeremy. I am thinking I have to find a way to get to Worcester once a week so he and we can resume our weekly ritual.

Oh well, there is really nothing new aside from that.

Later chulos!

- D

Friday, July 4, 2008

One Night Stand...

Ever have a one night stand that left you feeling like this?

Now as the summer fades
I let you slip away
You say I’m not your type
But I can make you sway

It makes you burn to learn
You’re not the only one
I'd let you be if you
put down your blazing gun

Now you’ve gone somewhere else
Far away
I don’t know if I will find you (find you, find you)
But you feel my breath
On your neck
Can’t believe I’m right behind you (right behind you)

‘Cause you keep me coming back for more
And I feel a little better than I did before
And if I never see your face again
I don’t mind
‘Cause we gone much further than I thought we'd get tonight

Sometimes you move so well
It’s hard not to give in
I’m lost, I can’t tell
Where you end and I begin

It makes me burn to learn
You’re with another man
I wonder if he’s half
The lover that I am

Now you’ve gone somewhere else

Far away
I don’t know if I will find you (find you, find you)
But you feel my breath
On your neck
Can’t believe I’m right behind you (right behind you)

‘Cause you keep me coming back for more
And I feel a little better than I did before
And if I never see your face again
I don’t mind
‘Cause we gone much further than I thought we'd get tonight

Baby, baby
Please believe me
Find it in your heart to reach me
Promise not to leave me behind
(Promise not to leave me behind)

Take me down, but take it easy
Make me think but don’t deceive me
Talk to me bout taking your time
(Talk to me, talk to me)

‘Cause you keep me coming back for more
And I feel a little better than I did before
And if I never see your face again
I don’t mind
‘Cause we gone much further than I thought we'd get tonight

‘Cause you keep me coming back for more
And I feel a little better than I did before
And if I never see your face again
I don’t mind
‘Cause we got much further than I thought we'd get tonight

Maroon 5.. I don't love em, but I like this song. I can relate to it. A one night stand that I would LOVE to see again.

- D

An Interesting Date and Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July Chulos!!!

I worked today, unsure of my evening plans for I am victim of Bank of America yet again. Work was fun, as per usual.. but I know what you buggers want to hear. The date.

Well I went on a date with a rather funny and cute 26yo guy. We had dinner at a nice restaurant in the South End and the went to see Wanted. I loved the movie, I mean the violence was over the top. Of course Angelina Jolie turned me on a lil bit. Something about a girl that can kick my ass I find to be hot.

That said.. I did enjoy the date... but something just didn't feel right. I mean.. he was a very nice guy. But I just didn't feel that something. I even tried putting my hand on his lap during the movie to see if I felt anything. Nothing... nada... it was like me touching Jaeryd.  I think he and I can be great friends, but we simply can not date. Which was both a little disappointing but at the same time a little.. I dunno... interesting to me. I mean.. I was my usual nervous self. But it was sort of good to know that.. I can go out on a date and if it doesn't click, well thats ok. It doesn't have to click. If it does, then great! 

So I don't feel bad about it, hell if I had any single gay top friends in his age range, I'd try to hook em up in a heartbeat. I mean he is a good guy. Cute, funny, smart and employed. 

So that's the date. Nothing terribly exciting, in fact it was refreshingly normal.

Been mad busy lately, so I apologize for not blogging more. But as things settle down I will make it a regular habit again. ;) Hell if I can fix my firewire o FrankenMac I will be doing video blogs again.

Til next time chulos!

- D

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Giving Up...

I am so confused right now. I don't know where to go. I mean professionally, I am fine. Emotionally I am not.  I guess it is really just the fact that I have once again put myself in a position of starting over, within 6 months of having done it previously. 

At least in Worcester I had Jeremy. I didn't feel as alone then as I do now.  There was a point in time, previous to this, in which I didn't care if I went out or not. Didn't care about meeting new people, didn't really want to meet new people either. I don't rightly know if I was happier at that time or not... but I do know that at this time I am just... confused. Confused, tired, stressed out and lonely.

Maybe I'll make for a good "Crazy Cat Lady". I just feel like giving up the ghost. Go through my day, enjoy my work and let it be at that. Feelings suck and I know they will pass. I would just rather not feel them at all. 

Oh yeah, I am attempting a cold turkey quitting of smoking, this is day 2. Let's compound the trauma of major life changes even further is what I must be thinking I guess. 

- D

Saturday, June 21, 2008

A New Place...

Well, recent events...

First and foremost, I must apologize for it being so long since the last time I posted. I have been in a state of flux. Between work, trying to find a new place to live, finding a new place, moving and trying to settle in I have been quite the busy little bee.

So I yes, I found a place. It is a great situation. I do have a roommate, but at least he is a 'Mo like myself. So it is infinitely more comfortable of a situation. I am in a 2 bedroom condo with central air. Of course the central air is the part that got me. LOL. My roommate is a hottie tho. But the fact he is my roommate makes him off limits. Roommate drama can come up all too easily if you sleep with him. So I have to actually exhibit some self control. Of course I was really flirty, but you know... that should be curtailed as well. I don't want to send the wrong message.

The job is going very well, I am excelling at the bar even if I am a little slow on the repairs in the Genius Room. I have this meticulous way of doing a repair and if I see something that needs to be done, like the parts are disgustingly dirty... I will sit there and clean each piece as I reassemble the unit. It's what I do, I can't help that. Overall tho, I love what I do. Having more time makes life a lot less stressful.

Time is finally giving me time. 

With that comes the fact that I need to start making new memories. I have very little in the way of pictures or regular living and enjoyment of life. The last ten years of my life are recorded in only my heart and my head. Both will fade over time. So now I have to learn how to live life. I am painfully lonely despite being surrounded by some great people. The real kicker is that I don't know what I want. Do I want to be single? Do I want a boyfriend? I don't know. In a way I am scared. I am scared of the inevitable pain that will follow if I am someone's lover. I am scared of the possibility of never finding someone to love and be loved by. I am scared that I don't know how to really live. I am just scared. But me being me, I never let being scared be an excuse to not do something. If bravery is doing something despite being afraid, well I can only hope my bravery holds.

I found myself thinking of Mike today, I got angry, I got sad... I smoked half a pack of cigarettes, I worried that I will never find love like that again. Did we end up how we ended up because our relationship was like a plant that just didn't get watered? If so, why didn't we water it? I thought we had put in a ton of work. I thought we were doing things the right way and learning from our mistakes. Then I came to realization that I didn't treat him like I should have. The withering was not all his fault, it was mine too. 

So I move forward. I am trying to learn from my mistakes. I know I am not over it. I don't think I ever will be. But I have to not carry around the baggage. I have to force myself to trust people and to trust myself.  I walked away... now I have to keep on walking. But now I am in a better position to do so. I am clawing my way back to the top, I am so close, I can't lose my grip now.

Til next time chulos

- D

Friday, May 30, 2008

Hero Complex...

No matter where I go, no matter what I do... I feel like 'we' need a vigilantly. What do I mean by this? I mean I hate bullies and when I read about hate crimes it infuriates me. I don't mean the kind of "Let's get political and fight the power!" kind of fury. I mean the "I want to find the one who committed the crime and do to him what he did to the victim." kind of fury.

For instance, when I lived in New York I bore witness to a man beating up a lesbian because she thwarted his advances. I witnessed this thwarting on the train and it wasn't like she was being exceptionally rude about it, tho she had every right to be rude about it given the mans behavior. We get off the train, it was late at night so it really was just us three and he attacks her while shouting homophobic rhetoric. Well, I turn around and tackle the fucker and begin to wail on him. I lose myself for a moment and in the fury of it all was able to be pulled off the guy. If it wasn't for the victim stating I had helped her I would have gone to jail that night. There is nothing I loathe more than to see or hear about or read about someone getting bullied. 

I hate witnessing spousal abuse, I hate witnessing a fight in which the odds are skewed I just don't have the tolerance for it.

So I read today about a fellow in the South End, an area of Boston pretty much owned by homosexuals, who was beaten and robbed by someone shouting anti-gay bullshit. Once again this infuriated me.  To top it all off, the cops are investigating it as an assault and robbery instead of a hate crime! WORD? ARE THEY FUCKING SERIOUS!?! What kind of justice is this? What kind of example is being set? This man will have hospital bills and wounds to recover from and if they find the bastards that did it they will get a slap on the wrist... a fucking misdemeanor. Really? Word? Are they fucking serious? This is not justice. Justice would be to find the fucker, beat him, rob him and shout anti-heterosexual bullshit at him. Justice would be to force him to have his own hospital bills to pay, his own wounds to heal AND to pay for the bills of the victim. THAT is justice.

All it makes me want to do is get to a gym, build the body of a god, gain access to shielding to prevent my being stabbed or shot and roam the streets waiting to stop someone from hurting someone else. My style of justice is eye for an eye. My hero complex almost demands this action. My hero complex always gets me into trouble, so I sit here... I wait and I hope that someone out there sees this the same way I do and rains down real justice on bastards like this.

What gives someone else the right to attack someone else for being different? What idiotic sense of self makes them think this is ok? 

No matter where I go, no matter what I do... I find 'we' need justice. My anger is almost enough to push me over the edge right now. This shit must stop!

- D

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Time Won't Give Me Time...

Wooh!!! It has been one wild ride so far. As you guys may have noticed I haven't posted in a while. Well, truth be told, I just don't have the damn time. LOL.

I love my job and if I didn't I would say to hell with this commute. My commute currently adds between 4 - 6 hours to my work day. So I am up and out of the house by 6am and don't get home til about 12/1am. Yeah.

So news in the pipe is that I am moving. Yes moving. Moving closer to work. I mean I don't even have time to entertain the idea of having a beer, or dinner or a frikkin date. So in the interest of salvaging my social life and making my working life just so much easier, yes I am moving. Plans are to move during the month of June. I am looking in the Somerville area right now as it really is not that far away... easily commuted on the T or Taxi-cab-able for those nights I decide to hang out past 12. 

So far tho, the job is fantastic! I hit the ground running and it is amazing. So many people there think I came from some other Apple store given my performance and I am just like, " Nope never worked as a Mac Genius before.", LOL. It is interesting the feeling you get from helping people. This job certainly feeds my hero complex nicely. 

In the dark reaches, that time in which I simply come home and rest to prepare for my next day, I find myself thinking. I find myself reminiscing of time gone by. Thinking about how happy I was. Thinking about how that happiness faded. Thinking about the how and why of things. Being grateful to have known love. Being angry to have lost it. Thinking about time I had, time I have lost and the new happiness standing in front of me.

I love my job, I am learning to love myself, I am learning to live by myself, for myself. But still I do find that every now and then... I miss time gone by. I miss Mike, in that time as I am drifting off to sleep exhausted from the days work... I find myself wondering what he is doing. I miss my old life, the security in familiarity. But I have to remind myself that I must regret nothing. That I must move forward. I always have moved forward. Unafraid of what is waiting. I am hoping and praying that I can find happiness in myself instead of in others. I am hoping that once I find that happiness that the true happiness I had known before it was my time to know it returns. It is funny how time makes points and those points connect to a final destination unknown. Unknown to me but known infinitely to time. I don't regret the 10 years time that I gave up. I don't regret having lived those ten years. I find myself less angry with Mike. I find myself more forgiving of him and in some strange way I find I am more forgiving of myself. Perhaps thats it. Perhaps I am to learn to forgive myself. Only time will tell... if I can indeed find time.

I miss the time I had to spend with my friends, most of all I miss Jeremy. He has been all too kind to me and has not forsaken me for his own time. In due time he and I shall have more time. It's like finding your brother and having to leave him all too soon. I know I will miss him a lot when I move. I am sure he will miss me too. Tho I am not going to another state, I am moving far enough away that he will not be able to just 'drop by' to chit chat.
In due time I will have more time, but for now I must sacrifice time for happiness.  

My only issue is time. Time won't give me time.

- D

Saturday, May 10, 2008

A Fond Farewell...

(I wrote this while in the airport last night awaiting flight boarding)

Today is my last day in Cupertino. A lot has happened over the last 2 weeks of my life. I have been humbled by the experience of being dribbled down to that 'High School" feeling. I have been validated in my testing, my scores and my past. I have been brought to a place of happiness by finding friendships in the most unlikely of places.

This experience as a whole has shown me a hell of a lot. I am a guy who has gone through a lot. A lot of good, a lot of happiness, a lot of sadness and it all equals one word.... experience. Over the past 6 months I have been put through the ringer emotionally. Self doubt, self consciousness and a huge bit of "where is this road leading and was it a mistake?"

Looking back on it now, it all led up to this one point in time. This one moment in which everything I have ever done and, at the time, questioned the value of... came into focus. I will say that Steve Jobs put it best, my version of what he said would be, "Everything we have done in life has a purpose or a use. We often go through things and wonder what use will this have for me in the rest of my life. We all go through things, positive and negative and ask ourselves why. In hindsight you realize it is like 'connecting the dots. And those dots all make a path that prepared you for what it is you are to do in life."

I look back at it all, then I am put in this challenging situation... and I fucking nailed it! I mean every job I ever had, every job I ever lost, every job I ever walked away from, every bit of hardship that has left a scar was all for this moment. I have my dream job. A dream job that has opened a world of possibility. A dream job that has already enriched my life in a matter of 2 weeks.

One way it has done so is the validation. I have been validated. My intellect has been validated. All that time I spent being a computer nerd has been validated. All that time I spent being troubled over my life only to came out of it alive has been validated. This experience was essentially someone saying, good job! We appreciate what you know, what you can do and who you are.

Another way, the friendships I built here. They are perhaps some of the strangest yet oddly the strongest bonds I have made since I met Jeremy. I made friends with a gaggle of Australians. It is odd how I managed to forge these friendships, with people who are literally from half a world away from me. Yet we bonded. To the point where they are like, "You have to come visit us in Australia. You just have to get here, we'll take care of the rest.". And they mean it. I in turn have invited them to MA, I will take care of them and I mean it. I have enjoyed meeting all of them, and leaving today knowing that I won't see them again until I can book a flight to Sydney was VERY saddening. But I am grateful to have met them. Very grateful. Five in particular... Pippi, Alex, Bobby, Marco and Glen... guys... I love yas. I really do. I know we had only known each other a week, but I just want to say thank you! Thank you guys for being... well... for being like me. The only time I ever felt comfortable during this trip was when I was hanging out with you guys. Who knew that simply helping out with study would turn into something that means a lot to me? So thank you and good luck on your hardware exams next week, you guys will crush them and laugh about it later.

Yet another way was to be shown a more clear path for what I want in my future with Apple. Our instructor Paul was amazing. He showed and inspired me to follow through with what it is I must do. He taught me things that are not based on ones intellect. The others in my class had learned a lot in regards to tech. I came in with that knowledge. The others learned a lot in regards to customer service and procedure. I came with that knowledge. What I learned was that being positive.... is a good thing. That genuinely wanting to help people was a good thing. That not all heroes where capes. My hero complex... the one that got me into a lot of trouble, has a place here. I genuinely want to help people. I genuinely enjoy computers and technology. I have a place here. I work for one of the most innovative technology companies on the planet, I have met some of the best people... cream of the crop types... and I am one of them.

Corny as it may sound, I think my life is finally taking shape. It is going to be very hard my first few months as I have the issue of commuting and my living location working against me. But if I can do this, those obstacles will quickly diminish and doing what I love will be much easier!

And to my Aussies... your Bostralian has a message for you.


- Daemian

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Apple Update

So the flight in was just fine. The night before I had a night out with some of my friends. I spent the day with my Best friend Jeremy and the evening in Boston at The Alley. Let's just say I should have worn a bib. I mean the place was wall to wall hot bears. I had died and gone to heaven. I crashed at a friends place Saturday night and he gave me a ride to the airport the next day after having lunch at Redbones, a fantastic southern BBQ place.

The flight was not bad really, in fact we arrived in San Jose early. Wish they fed us better, but hey.. can't have it all. I do have to share my hotel room... but the room is more like a mini 2 bedroom apartment. We each have our own bedroom, there is a common area, a kitchen and a bathroom. Which is cool.

Come to find there are just 3 Mac Genii on this entire trip period. Everyone else is here for training as on other things. So the class is very focused and we can learn a lot more given that there are fewer people to share the teacher with.

There is a lot I can not disclose, such is the responsibility of working for Apple. So most of my posts regarding my stay here will be brief, by comparison. I can say that I took my OS Exam today. I did not meet my goal. My goal was to score a 90% or better. I scored an 89.83%. :( Probably some question I was just being retarded about. Had I taken a bit more time I would have most likely gotten the question and achieved my goal. So I am a bit upset about not achieving my goal. It's a thwarted intention. But it is satisfying to have passed and to have that part of the testing over. I look forward to learning all I can here.

This is the opportunity of a lifetime for me. I have excellent paths to create an amazing career here with Apple.

I don't think I will be able to enjoy California the way I'd like to. I mean, my two class mates are assumed to be straight. Well one is no doubt straight. But things like... going to San Fransisco and exploring the Castro? I doubt it. If I drove and had either my own rental or my own ability to drive the group rental I'd have a better time on the weekend. But I will do whatever and absorb as much info as I can. I will leave here with the ability to WOW the customers and my managers. My life is not just getting back on track, it is exceeding what I left behind thus far.

Til next time chulos!

- Daemian

Wednesday, April 16, 2008



I am an official Apple employee! Tomorrow I go in to fill out the paperwork and to receive my computer. They pay is excellent, especially for living in MA. I get full health and dental, a 401k, stock, all of my certifications and the opportunity to get into Apple big time! I am so very excited about this. I have been an Apple fan for a log time and I can not believe I am about to embark on a huge leap in my career. This is absolutely fantastic!

I leave for California next Sunday for my 2 weeks of training.

Did I say I am excited?

Rebuild My Life Goals (In no particular order):

* Career back on track: Check
* Get a Dog (cure for loneliness):
* Get a Car/Fix my license:
* Get my own apartment:
* Meet my goal for my dream car (2009 Camaro)
* Get a Man:

- Daemian

Monday, April 14, 2008

An Apple Update

So I had my meeting today. I was so nervous. I sat down, I answered their questions, they had me ask them questions and just like that the meeting was over.

Walking around the streets of Boston all I could do was beat myself up about my answers to their questions. Linger over some of the things they said. Cast doubts on how things went.

So I get home at 9:45pm after being at the MB and there are messages for me on my phone. It's from Stacey!!! The Apple Recruiter whom I met last Monday. She said they weere thrilled to have met me and want to know if I can come back into Boston tomorrow!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG...

If I can pull off tomorrow what I did today this job is MINE!!!

Wish me luck chulos!


Sunday, April 13, 2008

Spy vs Spy

I was at Blu, work, Saturday from 2pm til 4am. God I wanted to gauge my eyes out with a rusty tuna can lid. But some fun did happen during the day. One of the patrons whom is also in the cabaret show, Dan, Was wearing all white with a hat like mine and I was in all black. It was an awesome site. He is light I am brown, he is short I am tall. It was like looking at a total opposite. Very Spy vs Spy. So one of the other members of the Cabaret cast decided to take pictures with her phone. The pictures aren't the best, but hell they are fun. So enjoy chulos!

- Daemian

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Next Moves and Being Slutty

I have reached 2 strange paths. Paths I had never thought I would have to cross. Well one of em' I knew I'd have to cross... but the other... not so much.

I am planning my next move with PTS, but I am unsure as to how to go about it. No... not asking him to be my BF just yet, more left to do... like financial security. But I do want to make seeing him a regular thing. Like once a week. But I don't know how to go about making that happen. I mean do I make a call and leave the ball in his court? Do I just forget about him for a bit and let him come to me? I hate this game and I don't play it very well. As a friend said to me, "What if he is doing the same thing and no one ever calls?". Which seems silly, doesn't it. I don't usual play this dating game... but what else am I to do? Maybe he'll call me back. I left him a message telling I should be at the Alley tomorrow night and staying with a friend in Somerville.

The other thing is my libido and how I have been indulging it waaayyyy too much. I don't know what I should do. I mean on one hand I love the attention, on the other I really don't WANT to be known as the guy who fucked all of Worcester. I mean given the reputation of others, I have a LONG way to go before that happens. I guess I just don't want to make a habit out of it that's hard to break when my special someone comes along. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that my work situation leaves me with a lot of free time in which I occupy myself with sex. Perhaps when this Apple thing comes through.. less time might equal less free time for sex and my libido will calm down a little. Or it may not calm down at all and I end up fucking some co-worker or customer. LAWL

So the questions are:

Do I let him come to me?


Should I continue indulging my libido like a fat kid in a fudge shop with too much money?

- Daemian

Thursday, April 10, 2008

An Update on the MB Piece...

Here is my update on the poster I did for the MB's Leather Night. It pops a bit more.

- Daemian

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Another Piece

This one is for The M.B Lounge here in town. I was accosted to help their local guy who is learning to make posters work on one for a leather night. I offered to do the main poster for them,the one that gets printed in Hi-Rez and will be in the window... not the fliar the guy is working on, as I know I could do better. So here is the Poster I created. If they like it, it will stay the way it is. If the guys at the MB have changes then it will change.I like it for what it is. Give the customer what they want. :)

Enjoy chulos!

- Daemian

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Apple and A Piece...

Where on God's green hell do I start?

Well, why not at the beginning. So this Sunday I was able, with the help of my friend James, to make my way to Boston. I ended up staying with a friend and having a great time!(Upon some good advice, some things should remain private... from a good friend)

Apple Interview

So Monday morning we wake, shower and headed on our merry way. my friend had given me a ride to Peabody where I was to meet with Stacey, the MA recruiter for Apple. I met with her and the spoken interview went VERY well. I even shared with her how I was able to get FrankenMac back up and running despite it's file system issue, which seemed to impress her a great deal. She gave me the Tech Screening test and I did VERY well with it. Remember this whole thing came about by Apple contacting me, not the other way around. I did so well in fact that she would like to try and place me in the flagship store they are opening in May in Boston.

She has to do a background check on me, which will come up clean and failing the flagship store I will still get my first choice of heading to the Cambridge store. I have the Cambridge meeting on Friday if I don't hear back regarding the flagship. This is all to be a Mac Genius. If things go well I will be heading to Cupertino, CA in the next week or so. Yay! If I get this job... my life as it stands right now changes big time! I mean I can pay my rent, fix my license, get a car, move to my own place. I am looking forward to this. I mean I know I can not count my chickens before they are hatched, but I am keeping positive on this. This job is mine.

A Piece

Well I have been in talks with the President of the Northeast Ursamen about doing the Graphic Design for their events. What I have here is NOTHING BUT A CONCEPT. I like the way it came out. I am sure there are things to tweak and the photos I get will be from the Northeast Ursamen, so this is going to change a lot. But I like it. I hope they do too along with all of you chulos out there.


- Daemian

Friday, April 4, 2008

An Update...

Well I haven't updated you guys on my own little reality. I have been talking. That's the best way to start anything right? Talking? Any how, I had told him about my meeting with the Apple recruiter and suggested hanging out. Surprisingly he said yes. So I find out today that my meeting will be this coming Monday at 11am. Yay!

Now as I I have said in the past, I am not looking to be parked outside of anywhere with a U-Haul the next morning. That if I come on strong it's just because I like the person and that we both should take our time. I know what I want and I know what I need to do. I need to make a life for myself. I need to get on the fast job track, I need to eventually move into my place for a bit and I need to financially stabilize myself. I know what I want... I want to get a dog, I want to get over my break up completely and I want to find a relationship with someone genuine, kind, smart, energetic, a sexual match and emotionally available.

It will all take time. So I will talk, show I am a great guy by being myself. It would be nice to have something good. There is much to be done. Til next time chulos.


Monday, March 31, 2008

Next Piece...

So my next piece is going to be "bear related". I figured I needed to come up with original artwork to use... so I am posting the sketch I am going to work and use in it.
Not sure if I am going to color it or use it as a sketch type thing. Bt I figured I'd give you chulos a sneak peak.


Saturday, March 29, 2008


As much as I would like to see more of PTS. I don't think I will. I mean I didn't put much hope into it. But I did like him. Something in my gut tells me it won't happen. Dunno what it is. Maybe he just got what he wanted and that is all. Who knows what anyone is really feeling.

I had to get that one out. Haven't ranted about a guy in a bit.


Thursday, March 27, 2008

A Revision

I made some changes to my previous piece going on some comments earlier. *cough* Jeremy *cough*. But I also made some other more subtle changes that weren't mentioned but seemed to make sense when I was making the change I did agree with. I do wish JPGs and PNGs preserved CMYK color profiles better. The pieces I post are from a larger 300dpi CMYK image that can actually be printed in full size.

Here ya go!

I think I will work on something 'Bear related' next. Either a T-Shirt Design, a flyer, a postcard or something or a Poster (Tho online a poster doesn't look any different from a flyer. LOL). I wish I still had the design for my personal business card. Dat shit was HOT!


Job with Apple...

Well... the phone interview went very well. I answered all of the test questions correctly. I gave a good history in terms of my experience over the past ten years in tech support, hardware repair and software troubleshooting. My experience in 'Creative' seems to have grabbed the recruiters attention. I would not be shocked if he attempted to get me moved into Apple Creative relatively quickly.

So I made it past this step and now it's on to the next. Sometime next week I have to meet with the recruiter of the Cambridge store. The recruiter will give me that basic run down of the 'culture' of the store. Upon a successful meeting with the recruiter I move on to the next and final step. 3 weeks of paid training... in Cupertino, CA! Yes chulos.... Cupertino... at the Apple Headquarters. Oh... my... GGGGGAAAAAWWWWDDDDDD! It's a wet dream come true for a Mac-Phile like me!

Wish me continued luck as I am not in the clear just yet. Of course should something else come up in terms of a job that pays more, well I could only be so lucky!


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Rebuilding Piece 1

Club Nebula does not actually exist. But, I know I need to diversify my portfolio. In the spirit of doing this I am posting one of the pieces as promised. This is intended to be a full page (8.5 x 11) flyer for an event to occur at Club Nebula. Lemme know what you think.

Oh and in other news... I was contacted by Apple Computer. They'd like to speak with me more about being a Mac Genius at the Genius Bar in one of their Boston area Apple Stores. For those who do not know, these Mac Genius jobs come with full benefits, paid training and pay VERY well. I'll be pushing for a position in Cambridge, as I know how to get there. LOL. I'll be giving them a call when I wake up. Pray for me.

- Daemian

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Given I have works only from my last job in terms of Graphics work I have to rebuild a portfolio. Over the next few days I will post a piece here or there. I'd like some feedback on them. Which ones you like, which ones you don't. Don't be afraid to post a comment on them. Thanks chulos.


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!

Well apparently this past weekend has made for a great networking opportunity. As such I am sprucing up my resumé to reflect my graphic design ability while still selling myself as an IT guy that is also a Graphic Designer. It would seem that there are many bears that can pass my resumé along and perhaps get me in at some decent places. I do like working at the club but the pay is not going to get me back on my feet in anyway... unless they put me on as a Bartender and give me a good night. I somehow doubt that will happen tho. So at any rate I am breaking ass to get my electronic portfolio done, my website done and my resumé up to code. Soon enough chulos.. soon enough.

Oh an no I didn't get the gig that would have been perfect for getting me back on my feet.Their reason... I don't have a car. My friend Jay took great offense to this as I would be driving in with him and he feels they are calling him unreliable. Of course he has not missed a single day, has voluntarily done overtime and arrives early. He did overhear them talking about my being overqualified for the job. So we suspect that to be the real reason.

Whatever the case may be, come hell or high water I am not going to give anyone... especially my ex... the satisfaction of saying I made a mistake in leaving him and leaving NYC. Fuck that shit. I am gonna do this and I don't give a shit what it takes.

If anyone out there has any connections in the Boston area for an IT or Graphics Guy let me know and I will forward a resumé. LOL.


Monday, March 17, 2008

An Out of Hibernation Run Down!

Well the event was called Out of Hibernation and for good reason. All the bears were out en mass and a hot group of them it was. I had never drooled nor been groped so much before in my life. I met a lot of great people, but still struggling to see where I fit in. It's sort of been the story of my life, I don't fit in anywhere and spend a ton of time trying to find where I belong.


My friend James picked me up around 2pm and we headed on our merry way. Me with just a napsack and James with luggage. LOL. Traffic was light, w ran into mild drizzles along the way but nothing earth shattering. We arrived around 5pm into P-Town where we took a short drive just looking around. We had spotted Michaels car (Superman logo gave it away to me) and figured he was staying at The Ranch, which he was. We checked in at the Crown and Anchor in which James had gotten a room with 2 twin beds in it. Given I had overslept, I hadn't eaten yet. So I was starving. We called Mike to come to dinner but he didn't reply. So we went to Betsy's on our own. Had the all you can eat Fish n Chips which was to do die for. But as my friends know, all you can eat is wasted on me. All I can eat is pretty much one dinner. But it was good. As I was having my after dinner smoke, I spotted someone... someone I had been speaking to for a while. Someone I am VERY interested in. He was there! We'll just call him Stud for now. Don't want our business as to who all over the place.

Of course James and I headed back to our room where I had to make like a diva and perform a mid concert costume change. I put on the Sodomight shirt and a grey button up over it, tossed on my leather jacket and we headed to The Ranch for the Bear Meet and Greet. Shock and awe is the best way I could describe it. Hot furry men as far as the eye could see. I mean the place is tiny, but full to the brim with bears. I was man handled, I guess it's that new car smell I have being a P-Town and Bear Event virgin. They smelled fresh meat like a rabid dog smells fear. Not that I mind it at all. I loved the attention. I never get that kind of attention. I had also gotten a chance to meet Mike face to face. I love this little man. I can only hope he and I become good friends... if not GREAT friends. I also ran into a fellow I had hoped to run into on Saturday but didn't, tho he did express that I was cuter in person. Go me!

As I am on my 5th cup of a rather strong punch, in walks stud. The man is damn beautiful. He came because he knew I be going. It was our chance to meet. He had 1 cup of the punch before we made our rather swift exit. Back to where he was staying, it was almost perfect. We had our 'appetizer' then our 'main course'. Three hours later we are both laying there sweaty and spent. I loved it. I loved making him feel good. But I won't go into too much detail like my other porn posts. This is about Out of Hibernation, although Stud shows up a few times in this tale.

So I leave him in his place to sleep and I head back out. I wanted to check out the other pubs around the area and I knew the group was doing the pub crawl. So I hit the 'Little Bar' which was packed with hot bears and it even had a dance area that was wall to wall hotties dancing. I decided to head to The Vault, which was right next to The Crown and Anchor. This place is insanely dark, has porn playing on the TVs and was full of hotties and there I run back into James talking to a few of his friends. Remember... I don't know anybody. So I just give him the "OMG I just had great sex look". LOL.

I drank a bit, talked a bit.. hung out with Ed a bit (El Presidenté of the North East Ursamen , King of the Bears in CT) and found we got along great. It was time to retire tho. Besides... I could barely stand, 3 hours of bangin' will do that to me. I get back to the room, James force feeds me a shot of rum and I was out. LOL.


I wake up trying to hide my hangover. Sunglasses FTW! It was raining and cold. We had sorta missed the Bear Stroll through P-Town but no mind... it was raining and cold. I somehow lost my umbrella. I know I had it when I left Stud the previous night. But whatever. James let me use his dollar store special and we headed out to check out the shops. We went into this knick knack shop that had all sorts of things. James found an umbrella he wanted and bought it. I found a hat I wanted and prayed looked good on me. (There is a story behind the hat I only relayed to those closest to me) We continued on. Went and had breakfast/brunch when we ran into Mike on the street. Paul and his two friend had arrived on Saturday and were there as well. I had a thing for Paul, sorta like a crush... but at this point I find him really interesting and would love to find out more and hopefully make a lifelong friend of him.

We finished up our brunch, head back to our rooms and Dave popped by. I was reading Coraline... again... and he came on in and sat down and the three of us chatted for a bit. Dave is a really nice guy. We got along great! He's as much of a horndog as I am. Alas we are both tops. LOL. So a new friend... yay! A few more pages into my book after Dave leaves and it is time for Bear Blast at The Vault. Well I head on down and see the bear meat hanging around and can only sit there. I was too intimidated to approach anyone. I just kept having that gut feeling I was not their type, I know I shouldn't be so insecure. No one approached me so I just left it at that. But then who should I saunter in on? Stud! I give him his space.. we stayed in differing parts of the bar for a while, but tended to gravitate towards each other and back off. It was like watching two wild animals circle each other waiting for the other to make a move. He flirts with others in a way I only wish I had the confidence to do. But I make my way over to him. A few gropes later and we find ourselves exiting The Vault and heading to the room I was staying in with James. I gave James the good old 'Give me an hour and half' routine. I was pleasantly surprised that Stud liked the hat on me. Tho I did hear word later that I look like I just stepped out of the Bronx in the hat. Is that a good thing? You can see for yourself in the post below how I look in the hat. Anyway... we make it to my room put the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the door and we go right for the 'main course' this time. Roughly 2 hrs 30 min later he heads for the shower and goes to get ready for the Boots and Boxers party. I then shower and get ready. I walk out to find James talking to the front desk guy. At which point I find out James actually came back twice before we were done.

Of course they laugh about it, James had to explain that he and I were only friends. Which we are and I am grateful to have such a friend right now. James then goes in to get ready for Boots and Boxers... I have a couple of shots of Rum and we head on out.

Boots and boxers was interesting. I couldn't get out of Bouncer mode. Working at a club will do that to you I guess. I danced a bit and had a good ol time. I had seen a few people that I have drooled over on Bear411 there, but I just couldn't muster the big brass ones to approach them. So I just looked from a distance. Stud arrived in his oh so sexy camo boxer briefs and was sexy as all hell in them. But he disappeared before the end of the night. I didn't get to say good bye or see you later. :-( But I was there and drank a lil bit more. Danced with Ed under the promise he'd tell everyone I was the hottest top ever. I didn't want to dance because I found out I come across as a bottom when I dance. But hell, Ed's bribe was enough to motivate me. So dance I did.

The music was 'ok'. That damn club is rubbing off on me.. but I would have preferred it if maybe Tony T was there as the sexy bear bitch he is. But we stayed and I dance and had a time avoiding someone. James got rather ripped. We make out way back to our hotel room where me and James talked for hours it seemed, while I read a book in between. Then James goes out for a cigarette and the funniest shit happens. It's a story that is only funny if you HEAR it. So if you wanna hear it you will have to hunt me down and listen to it.


We get up, get packed, check out and headed to the All You Can Eat Breakfast Buffet at Mike Oshay's. We sit with Dave and Paul and his gang. We eat, we laugh, we end the weekend. James and I find out that people thought we were a couple. I felt so bad. Maybe that's why he didn't get lucky? Did they think I would grind em to a pulp if they approached him? I dunno. But then I heard something sort of heart breaking. People would say things like, "I love Jimmy's new boyfriend! He is such a nice guy. Finally Jimmy is getting the man he deserves.". But alas we are just friends. It was sort of heartbreaking to realize that Jimmy is an amazing and odd fellow who really does deserve to be with a great guy. Not that I am a great guy... not that I am that guy for him. He is my friend. But I hope for his sake that someone just right will come along and sweep him off of his feet.

James stated to me his intentions for inviting me. He had only learned the day of the trip that I had never been to p-town so it wasn't about that. It was about showing me that life does go on. I am not some hideous mess that I think and envision myself as being. That I cannot hold on to the baggage of what is now my past. That other men should not have to pay for what happened between my ex and I. For me to just let it all go. Drop the baggage. Let other people in. I have a lot of self esteem issues to work through. I have a lot of self doubt to work through. I have a lot of insecurities to work through. But for this one weekend, I let them go for a bit. I still had some issues but they weren't what they had been. I learned I can get over it, I will be just fine and I can and will repair the damage I had allowed to happen over the past ten years. Do I fit in with these guys? I don't know.. but I will sure as hell try to fit in... but not as someone else, not as who I think they want me to be... but as just me.

James, thank you! You have no idea how much this has meant to me. I hope to return the favor for Bear Week if I can get my shit together.

Here are some pics. I only took a few, James took a few. We were both too distracted to get many good pictures done.


Me: Boots n Boxers Party

Dave (the silly one giving me rabbit ears), Me and Paul: Breakfast at Mike O'shay's

A Leprechaun and an Easter Bunny... how cute: Boots n Boxers

Damien and Mark: Boots n Boxers

Me and 'The Hat' = Bronx Bear!

Paul Shakin' his money maker: Boots n Boxers

The Crowd: Boots n Boxers

Dave, me and Paul: Breakfast at O'shay's

Magger and James (in the plaid): Breakfast at O'Shay's

Pilgrim Monument

Me at the parking lot of the Pilgrim Monument

Me and James: Boots n Boxers

Special Request Edit: James Suggested I re-create the Do Not Disturb sign that hung on the door for 3 hours on Saturday while I had some fun. So here you go. Figure that I would make it all flashy. LOL.
