My friend James picked me up around 2pm and we headed on our merry way. Me with just a napsack and James with luggage. LOL. Traffic was light, w ran into mild drizzles along the way but nothing earth shattering. We arrived around 5pm into P-Town where we took a short drive just looking around. We had spotted Michaels car (Superman logo gave it away to me) and figured he was staying at The Ranch, which he was. We checked in at the Crown and Anchor in which James had gotten a room with 2 twin beds in it. Given I had overslept, I hadn't eaten yet. So I was starving. We called Mike to come to dinner but he didn't reply. So we went to Betsy's on our own. Had the all you can eat Fish n Chips which was to do die for. But as my friends know, all you can eat is wasted on me. All I can eat is pretty much one dinner. But it was good. As I was having my after dinner smoke, I spotted someone... someone I had been speaking to for a while. Someone I am VERY interested in. He was there! We'll just call him Stud for now. Don't want our business as to who all over the place.
Of course James and I headed back to our room where I had to make like a diva and perform a mid concert costume change. I put on the Sodomight shirt and a grey button up over it, tossed on my leather jacket and we headed to The Ranch for the Bear Meet and Greet. Shock and awe is the best way I could describe it. Hot furry men as far as the eye could see. I mean the place is tiny, but full to the brim with bears. I was man handled, I guess it's that new car smell I have being a P-Town and Bear Event virgin. They smelled fresh meat like a rabid dog smells fear. Not that I mind it at all. I loved the attention. I never get that kind of attention. I had also gotten a chance to meet Mike face to face. I love this little man. I can only hope he and I become good friends... if not GREAT friends. I also ran into a fellow I had hoped to run into on Saturday but didn't, tho he did express that I was cuter in person. Go me!
As I am on my 5th cup of a rather strong punch, in walks stud. The man is damn beautiful. He came because he knew I be going. It was our chance to meet. He had 1 cup of the punch before we made our rather swift exit. Back to where he was staying, it was almost perfect. We had our 'appetizer' then our 'main course'. Three hours later we are both laying there sweaty and spent. I loved it. I loved making him feel good. But I won't go into too much detail like my other porn posts. This is about Out of Hibernation, although Stud shows up a few times in this tale.
So I leave him in his place to sleep and I head back out. I wanted to check out the other pubs around the area and I knew the group was doing the pub crawl. So I hit the 'Little Bar' which was packed with hot bears and it even had a dance area that was wall to wall hotties dancing. I decided to head to The Vault, which was right next to The Crown and Anchor. This place is insanely dark, has porn playing on the TVs and was full of hotties and there I run back into James talking to a few of his friends. Remember... I don't know anybody. So I just give him the "OMG I just had great sex look". LOL.
I drank a bit, talked a bit.. hung out with Ed a bit (El Presidenté of the North East Ursamen , King of the Bears in CT) and found we got along great. It was time to retire tho. Besides... I could barely stand, 3 hours of bangin' will do that to me. I get back to the room, James force feeds me a shot of rum and I was out. LOL.
I wake up trying to hide my hangover. Sunglasses FTW! It was raining and cold. We had sorta missed the Bear Stroll through P-Town but no mind... it was raining and cold. I somehow lost my umbrella. I know I had it when I left Stud the previous night. But whatever. James let me use his dollar store special and we headed out to check out the shops. We went into this knick knack shop that had all sorts of things. James found an umbrella he wanted and bought it. I found a hat I wanted and prayed looked good on me. (There is a story behind the hat I only relayed to those closest to me) We continued on. Went and had breakfast/brunch when we ran into Mike on the street. Paul and his two friend had arrived on Saturday and were there as well. I had a thing for Paul, sorta like a crush... but at this point I find him really interesting and would love to find out more and hopefully make a lifelong friend of him.
We finished up our brunch, head back to our rooms and Dave popped by. I was reading Coraline... again... and he came on in and sat down and the three of us chatted for a bit. Dave is a really nice guy. We got along great! He's as much of a horndog as I am. Alas we are both tops. LOL. So a new friend... yay! A few more pages into my book after Dave leaves and it is time for Bear Blast at The Vault. Well I head on down and see the bear meat hanging around and can only sit there. I was too intimidated to approach anyone. I just kept having that gut feeling I was not their type, I know I shouldn't be so insecure. No one approached me so I just left it at that. But then who should I saunter in on? Stud! I give him his space.. we stayed in differing parts of the bar for a while, but tended to gravitate towards each other and back off. It was like watching two wild animals circle each other waiting for the other to make a move. He flirts with others in a way I only wish I had the confidence to do. But I make my way over to him. A few gropes later and we find ourselves exiting The Vault and heading to the room I was staying in with James. I gave James the good old 'Give me an hour and half' routine. I was pleasantly surprised that Stud liked the hat on me. Tho I did hear word later that I look like I just stepped out of the Bronx in the hat. Is that a good thing? You can see for yourself in the post below how I look in the hat. Anyway... we make it to my room put the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the door and we go right for the 'main course' this time. Roughly 2 hrs 30 min later he heads for the shower and goes to get ready for the Boots and Boxers party. I then shower and get ready. I walk out to find James talking to the front desk guy. At which point I find out James actually came back twice before we were done.
Of course they laugh about it, James had to explain that he and I were only friends. Which we are and I am grateful to have such a friend right now. James then goes in to get ready for Boots and Boxers... I have a couple of shots of Rum and we head on out.
Boots and boxers was interesting. I couldn't get out of Bouncer mode. Working at a club will do that to you I guess. I danced a bit and had a good ol time. I had seen a few people that I have drooled over on Bear411 there, but I just couldn't muster the big brass ones to approach them. So I just looked from a distance. Stud arrived in his oh so sexy camo boxer briefs and was sexy as all hell in them. But he disappeared before the end of the night. I didn't get to say good bye or see you later. :-( But I was there and drank a lil bit more. Danced with Ed under the promise he'd tell everyone I was the hottest top ever. I didn't want to dance because I found out I come across as a bottom when I dance. But hell, Ed's bribe was enough to motivate me. So dance I did.
The music was 'ok'. That damn club is rubbing off on me.. but I would have preferred it if maybe Tony T was there as the sexy bear bitch he is. But we stayed and I dance and had a time avoiding someone. James got rather ripped. We make out way back to our hotel room where me and James talked for hours it seemed, while I read a book in between. Then James goes out for a cigarette and the funniest shit happens. It's a story that is only funny if you HEAR it. So if you wanna hear it you will have to hunt me down and listen to it.
We get up, get packed, check out and headed to the All You Can Eat Breakfast Buffet at Mike Oshay's. We sit with Dave and Paul and his gang. We eat, we laugh, we end the weekend. James and I find out that people thought we were a couple. I felt so bad. Maybe that's why he didn't get lucky? Did they think I would grind em to a pulp if they approached him? I dunno. But then I heard something sort of heart breaking. People would say things like, "I love Jimmy's new boyfriend! He is such a nice guy. Finally Jimmy is getting the man he deserves.". But alas we are just friends. It was sort of heartbreaking to realize that Jimmy is an amazing and odd fellow who really does deserve to be with a great guy. Not that I am a great guy... not that I am that guy for him. He is my friend. But I hope for his sake that someone just right will come along and sweep him off of his feet.
James stated to me his intentions for inviting me. He had only learned the day of the trip that I had never been to p-town so it wasn't about that. It was about showing me that life does go on. I am not some hideous mess that I think and envision myself as being. That I cannot hold on to the baggage of what is now my past. That other men should not have to pay for what happened between my ex and I. For me to just let it all go. Drop the baggage. Let other people in. I have a lot of self esteem issues to work through. I have a lot of self doubt to work through. I have a lot of insecurities to work through. But for this one weekend, I let them go for a bit. I still had some issues but they weren't what they had been. I learned I can get over it, I will be just fine and I can and will repair the damage I had allowed to happen over the past ten years. Do I fit in with these guys? I don't know.. but I will sure as hell try to fit in... but not as someone else, not as who I think they want me to be... but as just me.
James, thank you! You have no idea how much this has meant to me. I hope to return the favor for Bear Week if I can get my shit together.
Here are some pics. I only took a few, James took a few. We were both too distracted to get many good pictures done.
Me: Boots n Boxers Party

A Leprechaun and an Easter Bunny... how cute: Boots n Boxers

Damien and Mark: Boots n Boxers

Me and 'The Hat' = Bronx Bear!

Paul Shakin' his money maker: Boots n Boxers

The Crowd: Boots n Boxers

Dave, me and Paul: Breakfast at O'shay's

Magger and James (in the plaid): Breakfast at O'Shay's

Pilgrim Monument

Me at the parking lot of the Pilgrim Monument

Special Request Edit: James Suggested I re-create the Do Not Disturb sign that hung on the door for 3 hours on Saturday while I had some fun. So here you go. Figure that I would make it all flashy. LOL.

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