I have an open house to attend today. Thing is, they have already seen my resumé. They are already very happy with it. The only thing that may keep me from getting this job is that I am WWWAAAAAYYYYY overqualified for it. It is basically working customer tech support in a call center. I know it is not the best job on the planet, but neither is being a bouncer. If I get this job tho it will do a lot for me. Consider this. After taxes it'd give me roughly 330 bucks a week. My rent is 320 a month. With this money I can fix my license which is a desperate thing right now. I can lease a hot shit car. I can buy a new computer (FrankenMac is slowly dieing after 7years of being a workhorse.). I can go through some serious retail therapy. I can visit mom and my sister anytime I felt like it. I can live like a king until I find a job that is more my speed.
So wish me luck chulos. Oh an dby the way, I am so very grateful for all of the encouraging emails I have gotten from the readers. I will not name names because I understand the whole "don't want people to know I am on some queers blog" thing. So just know, and you shy bitches know who you are, that I am very grateful for the emails. I know I will be ok, I am petrified but I guess the comments on my being brave are correct. Bravery is taking the action even tho you are scared shitless. If I don't get the gig, life goes on another will come my way.
Been a bit lonely and figuring if I do get a job where I can reliably feed myself I will get a dog. I was thinking an American Staffordshire Terrier.

They are related to pit bulls but have a great temperament, make great companions and work dogs and are infamous for being great around children and friendly to people yet protective of their homes and owners. Much like myself. So the loneliness will be somewhat cured. I don't need to fuck everything that hoves into my field of vision to patch the hurt. Tho this weekend I am going to PTown for the first time. A bear event called Out of Hibernation. I do plan on using a shit ton of condoms. :P I'll take lots of pictures and post the G rated ones. Later chulos!
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