I guess a few random things to start my Monday.
Work has been getting very odd lately. The better we perform the more priveledges are being swept away. This, to me, sounds very counter productive. I mean, I understand their logic behind it. That being "If they are doing this well with all of these distractions, lets see what happens when we take those distractions away. Surely the productivity will go up.". What I am noticing instead of an increase in productivity is more a decline in team morale. We seem to be hemorraging team members. I don't quite know what this means for the future but I do know what it means for right now. Right now it means, horrible economy.... do what you have to do. For the future tho... I don't know.
My mini vacation weekend in P-Town with Jason was phenominal! I had such a great time. We laughed, talked, had lots of sex on porn height beds! Absolutely amazing. I am finding myself falling more and more in love with him every day. He fosters my outward affection, my confidence and my heart. I see a great future with him. I see a life with him. I also see lots of traveling, we seem to travel well together. No arguments, no animosity, no anger. As much as I loved my ex, Mike, I am seeing more and more that we probably would have made better friends than lovers. We were each others best friend, of that there is no doubt... but the more time I spend with Jason the more I get to see my previous relationship in a different light. I don't regret the time I had with Mike. In fact, it seems to have been necessary I guess. I can truly appreciate a relationship of the caliber I have with Jason more than I could have if I hadn't spent 10 years with Mike.
Speaking of ex's, I did find out that Mike lost the apartment and his job and moved back upstate with his uncle. I do wish he had contacted me to tell me this. I had been trying to contact him for a while and when no one answered the phone I just figured he was on a date or out with friends. I had no idea he was in such dire straits. I was contacting him in order to make plans for aquiring the rest of my stuff and my cat Aries. Finally having my own place allowed for this. But now I am sort of in limbo about a few things. Things like... where's my cat, what's his uncles number so I can contact him etc.. I am sure that at some point he will email me or comment on my blog or something. I would like to know that he is gonna be ok.
Today is going to be full of life type stuff I have been neglecting the past week. I have to do laundry, clean up my own place a lil bit, not much to do as I have been spending most of my time over at Jason's place. Gonna hang out with Daddy #1 today and when Seamus "Daddy #2" gets home watch an episode or 2 of Torchwood as has become our ritual. I heard their trip to California was amazing.
I do miss my mother and my sister, I guess I will give them a call while I am doing laundry and cleaning up. My cousin Sean called me a few days ago, I have to make sure to catch up with him too... see what going on with that part of my family.
See chulos... all random shit.
Til next time!
- D
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