At least in Worcester I had Jeremy. I didn't feel as alone then as I do now. There was a point in time, previous to this, in which I didn't care if I went out or not. Didn't care about meeting new people, didn't really want to meet new people either. I don't rightly know if I was happier at that time or not... but I do know that at this time I am just... confused. Confused, tired, stressed out and lonely.
Maybe I'll make for a good "Crazy Cat Lady". I just feel like giving up the ghost. Go through my day, enjoy my work and let it be at that. Feelings suck and I know they will pass. I would just rather not feel them at all.
Oh yeah, I am attempting a cold turkey quitting of smoking, this is day 2. Let's compound the trauma of major life changes even further is what I must be thinking I guess.
- D
Yes, going cold turkey right now is probably adding to the moodiness.
But you just moved to Boston. It ain't NYC, but it's a great town. Get out there and enjoy it!
And practice the art of Not sleeping with people you like. That's where friends come from...
Hrrmmmm... not sleeping with people I like. Hrmmm.. thats a difficult challenge you suggest there. LOL.
Smart ass....
I miss you. :(
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