Friday, December 14, 2007

He Broke The Deal...

Well, it was bound to happen. One of us was bound to break the deal. It just so happens it was he who broke it. As I type this he is on the phone with some guy planning a date, while I am home, after which he will probably go and masturbate in the bathroom for the next 45minutes. This breaks the deal of us not doing this in front of each other. The phone rang and he sprang to life. Usually it has to ring 9 times before he gets it. Yeah... I knew. Shit...

I asked him who was on the phone, hoping it was Dave or someone, and he says "a potential boyfriend... er date."

That being the case, let the flood gates open. By tomorrow's end I should have a few phone numbers to call maybe even give them mine and give them permission to call before I leave. See this is the vindictive nature I can hold. If he can do it... so can I.

As much as I hate to admit it... this is not going to end well.


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