Thursday, September 20, 2007

Dumb Mini Post of the Week!

Every so often I will do a dumb mini post. Usually just highlighting something I thought was funny at the time it happened but probably won't be funny after about 10 minutes. Anywho... on with the show.

So this morning at work I had to fix some idiots mistake. Lets just say it involved... gasp... manual labor. While I was working on this 'problem-created-by-cromagnon-macho-ish-idiots', the manager walks into the back area and is impressed at the job.

(And then I finally got to use a Just Jack line. It had been at least 6 months since the opportunity arose to use such a line.)

Me: So... this is fun... fixing stuff... sanding things... workin' up a sweat. Makes me feel like a man. No, seriously, I'd like a man after we're done with this.

Manager: Riiiiggghhhttt.

Manager: Were you ever a carpenter or something? This looks fantastic!

Me: Been a Carpenter? No... Did a Carpenter? Yes...

Manager: Riiiiggghhhttt.

God I love messing with breeders.

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