So an update on 'W's situation.
I spoke with 'W' on my cell as I walked home from the train station. His side of the story is more his speed. Sounds more like something that could and or would happen to someone like him. Let's just say his side places him as someone who more or less made an irresponsible, clumsy decision that turned out to not be what he intended. Essentially he had no idea about stolen goods and the cops haven't come for him... yet.
I don't know if he will still have a job, I worry about what that will do to his family and him. I just wish him luck man. Kind of a lot to take in really.
More Gay!
Myk (My 'husband' 10 years and counting) and I decided that it was time for us to stop living like frat boys in a bear cave. I mean really, c'mon we are gay men for crying out loud. Aren't we suppose to have a fly apartment and host dinner parties n' shit? I at least want the fly apartment. We had attended a wedding, the story of which I will relay and post the pictures of that I promised, that was odd but opened our eyes to something. A lot of my geek side is nurtured in the city, but even more of my naturally inquisitive and appreciatively calm side is destroyed by it.
As some of you may remember, I am a geek for a ton of different subjects. One of those subjects... astronomy/astrology. We saw a night sky like I have never seen or been able to comprehend before. It was absolutely captivating. The entire camp site was lit by the moon and the stars. I could make out constellations and planets (those we can see) with ease. The air was so crisp. But I digress... this brought both Myk and myself to the conclusion... one conclusion only. We have to leave the city.
But to where? Is a house involved? Not only big steps in any relationship but also a big step in terms of our maturity and ability to perform upkeep. I look at our apartment and ick! This along with my recent viewing pleasures seem to say I am not gay enough. That it... more gay! I mean how can we hope to upkeep a house if we can't even upkeep an apartment in Queens?
So I have a plan, and it involves Ikea. That's right bitches I said it... I - fuckin- kea. We are making the tiny as bedroom the computer room and moving the bedroom into the living room. The living room is rather large. Large enough to be sectioned into a distinct bedroom separate from the living room, yet equally accessible. *giggle* I know... my gay is showing. *giggle* I will probably edit this post later with an AI rendering of what I am going for. So I am saving my nickels and dimes. Re-tiling the floor and new furniture.
But why stop there. A ton of 'gay' paraphernalia is missing from our apartment. So we started acquiring some. Just essential things all stereotypical gay homes have. A shower attached butt-hose, The Joy of Gay Sex , a few DaVinci pictures have finally made their way into the apartment. Well we already had the DaVinci pictures. What other "gay" things should be in a home? Leave me a comment give me some advice. Help a gay frat boy on the verge of 30 grow up and queer up a bit.
Hottie of the Day Remember this? It's baaaacccckkkk. Yes I will be doing my "Hottie of the Day" thing again.
Here is todays Hottie:
Gregory Kieth, he plays Alex's hot ass boyfriend on Noah's Arc

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