Monday, November 5, 2007

Double Feature! Somtimes... take 3 & Food for Thought

Sometimes... take 3

Well, they say that the third time is a charm... and this time it was. I didn't get topped, but I did get taken. And how... wow... I didn't think my lil Keebler Husband could do it. But he did. He took charge and made me his top biotch and I loved every minute. It went from the floor to the bathroom and into the shower last night. I am shocked I can still walk.. hell I am shocked I was able to wake up on time and get to work. Sometimes the third time really is a charm!

Food for Thought

So for the past 6 months to a year Mike and I have been contemplating leaving NYC. I love this city, I really do... but after 11 years of living to work I'd say I have had enough. I will admit this, I have been looking for other places and states to live. This brings up a bit of bad mojo though. I am just starting my web business. I don't know if it will be a good idea to move the company in it's first few months in operation. That being said I dunno how to plan this. I am not a risk taker, just not in my makeup. But I can see that something a bit more calm is out there for us both.

This also ties into my fabulous weekend. While I was in MA I made many attempts to scope out the area. The houses are fantastic, condos in the 100 - 200k price range. The only thing I'd be object to are the Mass-holes. I mean I have to fix my license, get a car and then get my man a license. He is 41yo and never drove before, I'd fear for him everytime he left the house.

I don't know what the plan is but I do know I grow more and more anxious by the day. I am a tech and I make chump change in comparison to the cost of living. Mike is working which is a godsend but how long can we play this game? I am tired of making bundles for others and seeing little of it myself. So maybe I will find the city I wish to move to, rent a room, move with just my clothes and computer and build upon the web business. Have Mike stay in NYC to retain NYC residence for the company until I get the proper papers to setup shop in whatever state I decide to move to, get an apartment or a house and then have Mike come from NYC to our new residence. I don't know how he would take it though. I mean, leaving him in NYC for 1 maybe 2 months... that might be asking a bit much from him. Essentially it would be have him shack up with our friend Walter and continue to work while continuing to make deposits and get the company mail. After about 1 or 2 months when he has a huge amount saved have him come to whatever state we are moving to with a nice surplus of cash to sit on.

I don't know. It's too risky. What's life without a little risk tho? I never take a risk... maybe this time I should. What do you guys think? I mean MA was nice... lower cost of living than in Vermont (yes I was thinking of moving to Vermont)... I do have a friend in MA that I feel I could have as part of a support system. (Keep me from going absolutely insane). I am sure he'd probably scream if I told him I was moving to MA. I dunno what to do... I am so bad at risks, but I can see that a change is needed... badly. Then again my friend in MA is rumored to be moving out of MA... maybe I can get the web business jumping and hire him to get him to stay in MA.

What do you guys think?


jered74 said...

Oh, you can't afford me! :)

But, I have a lovely 1BR you could buy!! Comes with parking!

Daemian said...

LOL... you will go nowhere. You will stay where you are. Hopefully the Jedi Mind Trick will work. You will have a burning need to at least stay there a year if I do move there. Yesssssss......