Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A Theory, If You Will But Indulge Me...

I work in a predominately hetero field. Technology. This, as a paradigm, has conditioned me to answering questions about my sexuality. I am out every where. Don't get it twisted, I am not a faerie gleely prancing around with wings, a pair of wings, a rainbow flag and a pink triangle purse. Just isn't me, not to mention it's rather tacky. But I make it no secret. They want to talk about tits n chicks then I will talk about dicks n dudes. I won't tolerate it otherwise. I am also rather "Just Jack" about things.

That being said, I have devised a theory that actually seems to work on the more intelligent of the Breeders. I akin homosexuality in humans as natures means of population control.

Here is the theory,

Everything in nature has a checks and balances system. Most creatures have quite a few natural predators. These predators are essential to the balance of the ecosystem. Without them said creature will reproduce unchecked. For example, you take away all the cats in a place and the place will most likely become overrun by rodents.

Now homosexuality exists in nature. But it really does act as a failsafe for when the natural predators fail or are wiped out. Fact, homosexuals cannot reproduce AS homosexuals. They need some interaction with the opposite sex, even if it is by the mediator called a turkey baster.

Humans have very few natural predators. The homosexual human is natures failsafe to keep the human population in check. Without us the human population would boom and overtake this planet much faster than it currently is. Everything in nature needs a check and a balance. Homosexual humans are that failsae check and balance.

What do you guys think? It's just a theory, with easily found statistics to back it up. Once I give them that "point of view", if you will, they tend to understand why we exist and accept it more easily.



Jay said...

Yea I see we went to the same high school. Finally someone sees it my way. See the world needs homosexuals. Damn breeders need to

Daemian said...

LOL. I had gotten so damn used to explaining how I feel etc to breeders that I had to come up with something. Thats what I came up with. Natures Check and Balance on Humanity. It seems to work on the smarter ones that can follow it.

Yeah we definitely went to highschool together. I think we both graduated the same year even. In hindsight we both may have benefited from being friends rather than aquaintances at that most pivotal of times.

jered74 said...

No offense, sweetie, but I would rather not think of myself as nature's herd-thinner. I exist because life loves diversity!

Daemian said...

Of course that is what we'd like. But there is a basic breakdown. We exist as predators and the worlds protectors. We excel at one and have been failing miserably at the other. Of course we want to exist because life loves diversity. But scientifically speaking, and as a mode of getting those who inquire to see things differently, I came up with this theory.

In reality breeders are here for the continuation of the species and fabulosities are here to keep it in check.

Herd-Thinner. LOL... that's your new nick sweetheart. HT!