Thursday, January 10, 2008

OMG... Another 3 Posts in One Day Phenom!

Yes Chulos... 3 posts in one day... again! I haven't had this happen since my first post on blogger when I switched over from LiveJournal.

I just felt a need to post this. In a way I sort of feel like I may not want to try to quit smoking again just yet, but at the same time I feel like 'Hey no better time than the present!'.

So, I have a few smokes left in my pack and thought about just trying to drop it cold turkey. It is about as expensive to quit as it is to smoke with one exception. If you can successfully quit, the money that goes into quiting stops. While if you continue to smoke, the money that goes into smoking just continues. Then of course I have to keep in mind what we have learned from previous attempts to quit smoking. I have to set a quit date, I have to load up on gum and pot (LOL... takes the edge off) and I have to get into my 'stubborn' mindset.

So lets see... I want to have one last weekend of smoking and drinking fun... so how about this coming Monday? Can I handle working around smokers? I will eventually I have to work back door etc and have to deal with the smokers in the smoking area. Can I handle being friends with people who smoke? Tune in next week for the next dramatic episode of... 'To Stop A Smoker".

I drank so much this past week... I had to do a re-hydration routine. I have been drinking 9 - 12 glasses of water for the past 2 days. Urine is almost clear... meaning the crap I drank is just about out of my system. I avoid taking vitamins during a re-hydration so I am not fooled by the vitamins coloring. If I do go out tonight I think it will have to be under the influence of drinking Cranberry and Seltzer (looks like you are drinking a vodka and cran... so I don't have to look like a prude). Been going out at night trying to get used to a night lifestyle. Given my concentration is on working at night and trying desperately to get my business started during the day, it feels appropriate to just live at night. I may check out the 'MB' if I can figure out where the fuck it is. It is allegedly a good place to meet bears. Some eye candy wouldn't hurt right about now. But yeah whether I have to work or not I need to go out get my internal clock readjusted. Shit some really dense curtains to block out the light would help too.

I also wanted to thank you chulos for all of the emails and well wishes. I wish some of you would frikkin post them in the comments section, but hell I'll take it anyway I can get it. For those of you that have given me reason to have an inflated ego... thank you! LOL. I do enjoy reading about people thinking I am hot and interesting. Some of you... nice cock pics.. but c'mon... I'm a top. To those giving me contact info because you want a date, thank you but right now is not the best time. For 2 reasons, I can only concentrate on myself and 1 person at a time. But hey if it doesn't work out... maybe I will be on a date with one or two of you. Reason 2... I really like the one I am shooting for. Poohbear you are a sweetheart, don't let anyone else tell you differently. Yancopin, sweetie... I miss listening to you play the piano. Such great talent, you probably could have had me if you tried harder. :P Jaeryd, I think a big thank you and a bear hug (which I will give you next time I see you) should say it all. Especially given that you actually post in my frikkin comments area. Don't know what is with these guys. :-) Imin2bears... churl.. you better be careful of what you ask of me. You just might get it, then you'll be sprung. Bruce... my southern Louisiana gentleman, I am sorry I did not say good bye before I left. You were one of my first friends in NYC when I moved there. I do appreciate that you keep up on my blog and that you understand the hows and whys. You have been an insider in the relationship almost from day one. I had to leave before you got back and you know I wasn't about to fly to Amsterdam just to say goodbye to you on your vacation. Come up and visit tho.

Ok.. I think that is all the thank yous I need to give. If I missed anyone... shoot me. :P


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