Thursday, January 24, 2008

Sometimes Life Can Be A Real Bitch...

On the phone talking to my sister. We are talking about my cousins daughter. Sometimes life can be a real bitch. This is partly my cousins fault and mostly her mothers fault. This girls mother was apparently on some kind of drugs and the sister had custody over her. The sister would have all sorts of guys over and it is obvious those guys did things to her. I mean she was just a baby. Now she has some serious issues. Her father, uncle and own brothers are uncomfortable around her. She is a bit too sexual for a kid that is 6yo. She has been suspended from school for "innappropriate touching and language". She is doing what was done to her. Kids mimick what they see and experience.

She is in therapy at the age of 6yo. 6! That is fucking ridiculous. My aunt, her grandmother, had to essentially rescue her from how she was living. Therapy once a week and this girl needs it daily. My aunt can't afford that. This girl needs help.

To make it worse my aunts kids are essentially sucking the life out of her. Of 3 children she has 2 of them living with her. No job of ANY kind. One has his unemployed girlfriend living there. Along with all the grandkids. My aunt is on social security. Do you think she can afford all of this. She has had at least 6 strokes in the past 11 years. These kids are burdening her. The sad thing is that my aunts were not brought up this way.

My cousins were always pissed at us because we were well off. Well here it is.. we are all adults and they are home living off their mother. Not even helping. I don't get it. I was out of my mommas house at 17. My cousin Eddie is one year younger than me, same day birthday, and is a complete drain. Always wanting but not doing anything to get. To the point where this past Christmas my mother had to give my aunt money to get stuff for the kids. Why? Because my aunt didn't even have money for food. All the food she bought for the holidays those fucking idiots ate. Contributing nothing to replace it. Fucking ridiculous.

I mean she did it to herself to a degree.... but she does not deserve this. Life can be a real bitch. I am sitting here pissed the fuck off. All I want to do is hop a bus down there, beat the shit out of everyone in that house except her... kick em out... tell em if they come back they'll get more. Tell them to grow the fuck up and be men. It pisses me off. They are killing their mother slowly. Not even with mercy and doing it quick.. no... they are doing it slowly. One day she will be gone and they will be lost.

Now I can sit here and in my anger say I would not give a damn that they were lost. Because they asked for it. But I am not that person to actually feel that way. I will be there to help but not enable. They won't get anything out of me but sound advice and maybe a contact to get them started. Otherwise... they will have to grow up on their own and even worse... they will have to do it without their mother. She has, currently, no reason to be proud of her children. They have done nothing to be prideful of. You know.. I may be struggling right now... but we all struggle at some point in life. I did not run back home. Instead I am gonna tuff it out and be a fucking man. I have done it before. I know how to go from rags to riches. Some say, "Well you are from a well of family, just ask them for money.", to which I have to say... My mother and sister are well off. I myself am not. I have to make my own way. For that reason alone my mother has a reason to be proud. She has a son who has made it through some hard times, who had every reason to be headed to jail or worse. She also has a son who grew the fuck up and became a man, quickly.

Sometimes life can be a real bitch and it is usually a bitch to those who don't deserve it. Aunt Verna... you do not deserve what your children are doing to you. You deserve better than this and if no one else has said that to you... I am saying it to you.


P.S. Don't let me get word of anything else. Because if I do... Newark is going to shake, thats just how much damage I am going to do to those boys.


jered74 said...

The cousins definitely need to grow up. They could use a swift kick in the ass, it sounds like.

As for your conundrum, I would personally avoid the meds. Drugs are bad, mmmmmmmkay. If you do reach the breaking point, then keep 'em as a last resort.

And as for your umpteenth whining about relationships, it is clear to me that you are wrapping the Carl problem in pretty colors and calling it something else. You are only unfulfilled because the hook-ups were distractions from the truth before you. It's not your fault, but he chose to force a different result, and you need to process and move on. You have gone from happily married, to not happily divorced, to obsessively in-love, to whoring, to vowing chastity, in all of about three months. Again, RELAX!!!!!!!

"Daemian! Daemian! He's our man! If he can't do it, no one can! Gooooooo, Daemian!!" There - you got your cheer. Now move your obsessive compulsions on to something else for a little while!

Daemian said...


But yes you are right. It's not just him with the games. Now Mr. Thursday is playing em too. I mean wow.. boys are stupid.

Daemian said...

The chastity thing is in terms of just hooking up. Too damn dangerous and yes still unfulfilling. So I am thinking a voluntary drought requiring at least a 3rd date before I put out.

Am I wrapping the Carl thing in Pretty colors? Yes... but mostly because I am confused. Is he playing a game or not? What does he want? Just fucking say it already so I can either persue or move on.

I'm a guy that thrives in a relationship, but am figuring I should just stop looking. They say you always find one when you don't want one. Some of us are just that way.

Oh yeah.. boys are stupid.

Daemian said...

One other thing tho... where does Carl come into my last few posts?